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IMGP1891b.jpg 320 views1 commentsMartyD07/12/10 at 20:39Teabag: I told you to remove that board leash!
DSC03151.JPG 411 views11 commentstempy07/12/10 at 09:13winddoctor: Cool Cool Cool
DSC03151.JPG 411 views11 commentstempy07/12/10 at 09:00dunkinguy: The original hell man. Nice move and nice shot.
P7050057.JPG mtm rippin Nitinat on 6.0280 views4 commentsKC777707/11/10 at 12:47mortontoemike: My nose looks sunburnt! Thanks for the pic Keith.
IMG_2518.jpg 167 viewsvintage 3.0, classic open ocean2 commentsspinetingler07/11/10 at 08:30Mike C: Sweet day. I love that spot!
P7050057.JPG mtm rippin Nitinat on 6.0280 views4 commentsKC777707/08/10 at 19:39KUS: nice pic of mike, we haven't seen yer smiling ...
IMG_2518.jpg 167 viewsvintage 3.0, classic open ocean2 commentsspinetingler07/08/10 at 08:54KUS: nice swellies, a day here mighta been great. too ...
IMG_1449WS_Cook.jpg 205 views1 commentsogopogo07/08/10 at 08:49KUS: sheesh, bringing work to the beach Rolling Eyes but man...
IMG_2892Ianrockpile.jpg 257 views3 commentsogopogo07/06/10 at 11:12Teabag: I believe that I had too much to drink that day, c...
Bail!.jpg I've got this....191 viewsSteph photo1 commentswinddoctor07/06/10 at 06:49thankgodiatepastafobreaky: aaahhhhhhhh
Winddoc_forward_CS.jpg winddoc forward, Cape Sebastian184 views2 commentswinddoctor07/06/10 at 06:48thankgodiatepastafobreaky: love the silver water
South_coast.jpg South Oregon coast137 views1 commentswinddoctor07/06/10 at 06:48thankgodiatepastafobreaky: aahh - so beautiful there
(62_of_188).jpg dual jump193 viewsSuperdave and mystery windsurfer both jumping. and some are not landing:)2 commentssharkdiver07/05/10 at 23:07snapper300: Great capture! Both nicely in focus too.
(62_of_188).jpg dual jump193 viewsSuperdave and mystery windsurfer both jumping. and some are not landing:)2 commentssharkdiver07/05/10 at 19:34GWIND: Winddoc on " FIRE "
Snapshot_2010-06-28_18-25-02.jpg 390 views2 commentscolin07/05/10 at 15:28AC: Bifffflahakkkkk Exclamation
Chris_backie_CS.jpg Chris backie Cape Sebastian169 viewsSteph photo1 commentswinddoctor07/05/10 at 10:04downwind dave: wow thats a great batch of photos.. nice work you ...
Winddoc_forward_CS.jpg winddoc forward, Cape Sebastian184 views2 commentswinddoctor07/04/10 at 21:09winddoctor: Timo Mullen, an Irish Pro is to the right in the p...
IMG_0695.jpg 335 views2 commentscolin07/04/10 at 21:00JAMES HIHO: what is the connection between guns and kites ?
IMG_0696.jpg 311 views1 commentscolin07/04/10 at 21:00JAMES HIHO: what is the connection between guns and kites ?
Snapshot_2010-06-28_18-25-02.jpg 390 views2 commentscolin07/04/10 at 20:59JAMES HIHO: what is the connection between guns and kites ?
P7021890.JPG MF4 @Cape learning quickly126 views1 commentsKUS07/03/10 at 10:31KUS: All those butterflies for nothing Wink
P7021900.JPG MF4 @Cape, 1st day in waves172 views1 commentsKUS07/03/10 at 10:31KUS: Cape filled in nicely for a change Cool
P6281798.JPG "OK, listen up, u can't sail with THAT!"193 viewsBWD Waveclinic #11 commentsKUS07/01/10 at 20:19nanmoo: The bulge was more obvious on the hi-res shot, but...
0507-Nit-E-Beach Fire Group.jpg Nitinat July 20051145 views1 commentsVic Evans06/30/10 at 19:17Nimpkish-Bill: thats my ex-wife on the right
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