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IMG_2165.JPG 3802 views2 commentsAC07/20/09 at 20:08Galeltic: rooster tails was shadow ? Laughing
BCGrant.jpg 2272 views5 commentsTy107/20/09 at 20:06Galeltic: 100 mph? Wink
IMG_4751DaveroosterCookJuly18.JPG 167 views1 commentsogopogo07/20/09 at 20:05Galeltic: why u look back ? any shark try bite your tail s...
john_john_1.jpg Johnny Doo Bad732 viewsHere's an old one of Johnny with his favourite ,, Gorge Animal Bonser 7'6",,,,, still at cook ,,, that was his motorhome in the background to the right.. ,,taken about 1992, Island Sails was the name of his sail loft ,,, he had this board custom made in the Gorge with "Island" graphics on the bottom...that was when he lived on 10 mile point with Jose and Kevin.... long time ago... can see his logo on his motorhome door ,,, ,,, slim and trim in those days ,, 3 commentsBones07/19/09 at 22:39Joostio: great pic! Miss ya Johnny, I lived just down the s...
PC140014.JPG Todos Santos174 views1 commentsCj07/19/09 at 22:14Joostio: my mom and dad live there, nice town
img_1893_(Modified_(3)).jpg 174 views1 commentsJohnnyUtah07/19/09 at 20:09KUS: yep, that's some decent air Very Happy
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/17/09 at 14:42UKshredder: run like hell, then chicken gybe in the shallows :...
P6298414.JPG Kus @ Florence201 views2 commentsjellyfish07/17/09 at 14:40UKshredder: Looks so great !! Much better spaced than our stuf...
davewave.jpg BWD coming off a ramp186 views2 commentsJfish07/17/09 at 14:40UKshredder: sick !!
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/17/09 at 10:24downwind dave: jump clear, dive deep Wink
davebigwave.jpg Dave going out to meet the monster241 views2 commentsJfish07/17/09 at 08:23KUS: "damn, how did Jellyfish make it over that on...
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/17/09 at 07:52Geoffy: See BWD's one-handed goiter over the whitewate...
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/16/09 at 22:12Russian Dood: i just close my eyes and start crying. seems to be...
Jetty_June_30_2009_029.JPG Florence Pros out Playing281 views1 commentsjellyfish07/16/09 at 20:32KUS: see, that guy totally lost his edge and spinning o...
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/16/09 at 20:30KUS: like looking down a banked race track Very Happy carve, t...
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/16/09 at 13:55bwd: or just Goiter over the whitewater and exit out th...
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/16/09 at 13:51Geoffy: Notice there's a couple feet high of nice gree...
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/16/09 at 12:42more force 4: So for us wave wannabes, what do you do next in th...
XL_wave_dave.JPG XLWaveDave @ Flo :)687 views8 commentsKUS07/15/09 at 22:40winddoctor: Best photo on BWD yet! Laughing Laughing Laughing
OLYMPUS_DIGITAL_CAMERA_37.jpg Shorebreak Florence June 29/09286 views1 commentsjellyfish07/15/09 at 21:56Russian Dood: I yielded "mine" but he didn't get i...
OLYMPUS_DIGITAL_CAMERA_45.jpg Florence June 29/09209 views1 commentsjellyfish07/15/09 at 21:39KUS: ok, who's got the right of way Question
P1000200.jpg 197 views4 commentsbwd07/15/09 at 16:14Geoffy: Girl you have it good, kitchen bi*ches, Russian Ri...
XL_wave_dave.JPG XLWaveDave @ Flo :)687 views8 commentsKUS07/15/09 at 15:35JL: I'm locking my doors Confused
XL_wave_dave.JPG XLWaveDave @ Flo :)687 views8 commentsKUS07/15/09 at 14:14Sandy Beach: Holy! Can you say tsunami??? This verifies your na...
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