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XL_wave_dave.JPG XLWaveDave @ Flo :)687 views8 commentsKUS07/15/09 at 12:07bwd: HAHAHAHA that's great...too bad you didn't...
XL_wave_dave.JPG XLWaveDave @ Flo :)687 views8 commentsKUS07/15/09 at 12:05KUS: actual photo, no shop Exclamation kinda funny how this tu...
OLYMPUS_DIGITAL_CAMERA_52.jpg Florence June 29/09197 views2 commentsjellyfish07/15/09 at 10:21Geoffy: Yeah - dat was fun, mon! Thanks JellyF!
OLYMPUS_DIGITAL_CAMERA_52.jpg Florence June 29/09197 views2 commentsjellyfish07/15/09 at 10:05KUS: Sparkly Very Happy
Florence_Thurs_July_2_009_011.JPG BWD and RD taking their turn @ latrine duty Surf Camp #1368 views2 commentsjellyfish07/15/09 at 09:47Geoffy: And Cindy was worried about the Bingen bar photo! ...
Florence_Thurs_July_2_009_011.JPG BWD and RD taking their turn @ latrine duty Surf Camp #1368 views2 commentsjellyfish07/15/09 at 09:13bwd: What a cute couple!
P6298430.JPG BWD Surf Camp#1...... RD playing in the sand!281 views1 commentsjellyfish07/14/09 at 23:29winddoctor: Dude, see what happens when you don't ice your...
P1000200.jpg 197 views4 commentsbwd07/14/09 at 22:38jellyfish: No... this is post car wash. Windsurfish washed th...
IMAG0049.jpg Oh mighty Fish in wizard pajamas324 views 1 commentsRussian Dood07/14/09 at 14:05Geoffy: So THAT'S why you never took off the pajamas e...
KusCurl.jpg Another curling iron pic272 views1 commentsJfish07/14/09 at 08:24KUS: Rejected BWD wavecamp interview Neutral
P1010385.JPG Snapper at SP253 views Beauty summer SE at SP!3 commentsrvanderbyl07/13/09 at 14:52snapper: thanks eastside for dropping off my kite, sorry yo...
jumper.jpg Flo June 2009215 views1 commentsJfish07/13/09 at 14:00KUS: I tried one a those....didn't end well Mad
P1010385.JPG Snapper at SP253 views Beauty summer SE at SP!3 commentsrvanderbyl07/13/09 at 13:58KUS: you were having fun times at Gordo's with us i...
P1010385.JPG Snapper at SP253 views Beauty summer SE at SP!3 commentsrvanderbyl07/13/09 at 08:36eastside: Gee..what was I doing yesterday Crying or Very sad
P1000200.jpg 197 views4 commentsbwd07/12/09 at 17:08Geoffy: Jellyfish - did you spill on yourself, AGAIN? Dit...
P1000131.jpg The Jetty Pack161 views6 commentsbwd07/11/09 at 17:44Russian Dood: I wish KUS's journal had a spell checker
P7048585.JPG That bridge is sooo paid for173 views2 commentsKUS07/11/09 at 10:01eastside: After Bozo Beach arrival and unsuccessful uphaul a...
Oct_08_064.JPG ripping at Pat Bay297 views1 commentsSandy Beach07/10/09 at 15:53thankgodiatepastafobreaky: is that W247?
P7078625.JPG What great launch also boasts a saloon steps away?149 viewsEagle Creek, Hood Canal1 commentsKUS07/09/09 at 19:56KUS: They have food pulltabs, just call ahead Wink
jump.jpg Flo June 2009345 views5 commentsJfish07/09/09 at 16:17downwind dave: oh the shame, flying an old mono fin
P1000131.jpg The Jetty Pack161 views6 commentsbwd07/09/09 at 15:33bwd: I think it was meant to be Q-tip & honey for g...
P1000131.jpg The Jetty Pack161 views6 commentsbwd07/09/09 at 15:16~~~~~4j~~: Maybe I'm trying too hard, but I don't und...
P1000131.jpg The Jetty Pack161 views6 commentsbwd07/09/09 at 15:15nanmoo: "Meat Coochie - 3" and " Rubber glo...
jump.jpg Flo June 2009345 views5 commentsJfish07/09/09 at 14:56winddoctor: Nice! you can see the fin is completely out of the...
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