how many wavecamp photos incl the curling iron?256 views1 commentsJfish07/09/09 at 10:26jellyfish: Geoffy with third degree burns...still determined ...
Kus heading out (Flo June 2009)244 views1 commentsJfish07/09/09 at 09:47~~~~~4j~~: Beautiful photo
Dave going out to meet the monster241 views2 commentsJfish07/09/09 at 09:44~~~~~4j~~: Penny for your thoughts at this point, Dave! :sho...
RD with ice cream115 views1 commentsbwd07/08/09 at 22:37dunkinguy: zis eez gooood Coho potted meat
The Jetty Pack161 views6 commentsbwd07/08/09 at 22:21nanmoo: "I love BWD! He is so cute!" Obviously ...
Kus113 views2 commentsbwd07/08/09 at 21:37GWIND: Was this before the trip or after ?
Enjoying the Russian Meal121 views1 commentsbwd07/08/09 at 21:13KUS: it's nota keeper if someone's yap is not w...
Day 2: the Loong oil comes out123 views3 commentsbwd07/08/09 at 21:12KUS: well, you obviously missed the curling irons on pr...
RV's on the Jetty125 views1 commentsbwd07/08/09 at 21:11KUS: ah, this one makes me ache for the jetty....and it...
"I hear the ocean"129 views1 commentsbwd07/08/09 at 21:10KUS: here, try this curling iron
197 views4 commentsbwd07/08/09 at 21:03JL: Hot & Dirty !!!
Day 2: the Loong oil comes out123 views3 commentsbwd07/08/09 at 21:03bwd: Yeah I'm sure we can do better then that on th...
Kus113 views2 commentsbwd07/08/09 at 20:58winddoctor: Never talk to Kus before his morning beer is finis...
Day 2: the Loong oil comes out123 views3 commentsbwd07/08/09 at 20:51TheLaw: Not only took until picture 22 for things...
4th of July gig @HR Marina124 viewsDoing it up right folks1 commentsKUS07/08/09 at 17:43KUS: if you look real close you can see the guy's j...
Nitinat June 11/09222 viewsPhoto by Wild Willy Magnan1 commentswindsurf24707/08/09 at 16:00KUS: that 24-7? nice driving buddy
That bridge is sooo paid for173 views2 commentsKUS07/08/09 at 13:33JL: This is about 100meters from where I hiked through...
David Suzuki windsurfs in HR246 viewsHeavy Shopping for carbon plastics at Big Winds, decompose THAT ya hypocrite!1 commentsKUS07/08/09 at 12:28downwind dave: wait a tic.. isnt that Jerry Garcia
"i like long walks on the beach, sunsets, kittens and...."342 views4 commentsnanmoo07/08/09 at 11:19KUS: yes, well, we already know you are easily shocked,...
Eagle Creek & HollowBones' fine new brand140 viewsTricerahops was delicious in this wicked setting1 commentsKUS07/08/09 at 11:05KUS: Check out this launch