Florence, Monday 6-29-09, Huge, 1.5+ mast KUS Owned the Early Session Outside - Crazy410 views5 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 21:01Globe: nice!
Happy - Happy Day, Jellyfish was OUT THERE (more to come!)272 views3 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 19:17winddoctor: How much does it cost per diem for the Russian rig...
Use the straps Jellyfish, they're not only for sex, you know! Monday, Florence, YES - While it was still big!299 views2 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 19:02winddoctor: Point those toes, Jellyfish!
Dave Bottom-turn, Monday 6-29-09, Florence, Head to Logo - Inside sets!333 views2 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 18:27~~~~~4j~~: Beauty, Dave.
Dave Bottom-turn, Monday 6-29-09, Florence, Head to Logo - Inside sets!333 views2 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 18:19JL: Nice.
Happy - Happy Day, Jellyfish was OUT THERE (more to come!)272 views3 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 18:18JL: Big
Use the straps Jellyfish, they're not only for sex, you know! Monday, Florence, YES - While it was still big!299 views2 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 18:18JL: Go girl ...
Florence, Monday 6-29-09, Huge, 1.5+ mast KUS Owned the Early Session Outside - Crazy410 views5 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 18:17JL: Cajones !!!
Florence, Monday 6-29-09, Huge, 1.5+ mast KUS Owned the Early Session Outside - Crazy410 views5 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 17:07MartyD: That is just AWESOME! Props KUS!
Hostile takeover of Gordos cam #2 ?365 viewsSure ... They wait until BWD is S. of the border then in comes the heavy equipment !!!1 commentsJL06/29/09 at 22:09bean: clearing some choice parking spots I bet
121 viewsAnother displaced Islander1 comments~~~~~4j~~06/27/09 at 13:21Can\'t jibe: This poor man was banished to Alberta to study san...
164 viewsNew AHD Concept Wave 67L about to touch water for the first time! Thanks Mark for taking the photos.1 comments~~~~~4j~~06/26/09 at 22:49winddoctor: "Armchair" sailor?
"i like long walks on the beach, sunsets, kittens and...."342 views4 commentsnanmoo06/25/09 at 08:19JL: Better to participate than to watch
Custom boards by Alastair269 views4 commentsTactile06/24/09 at 23:14JohnnyUtah: Love the natural wood look! So sick of neon every...
"i like long walks on the beach, sunsets, kittens and...."342 views4 commentsnanmoo06/24/09 at 23:08nanmoo: quite an admission kus.
"i like long walks on the beach, sunsets, kittens and...."342 views4 commentsnanmoo06/24/09 at 22:20KUS: ....I dig trannies
124 views1 commentsPete06/24/09 at 17:26tommymaui: that's good air for Nitnat!
519 views4 comments~~~~~4j~~06/24/09 at 14:41KUS: yup, what an awesome day that was
185 views9 commentsnanmoo06/22/09 at 21:06KUS: love the commentary...considering thi...
147 views2 commentsPete06/22/09 at 21:04KUS: ok, I just know this comment with hubby in the bac...
254 views4 commentsPete06/22/09 at 16:27UnusuallyLargeRobin: Oh sure, push the front hand, sheet in hard , look...
163 views2 commentsPete06/21/09 at 12:57Sandy Beach: look at that air...you should try kiteboarding, ws...
254 views4 commentsPete06/21/09 at 10:07winddoctor: Fo'sho'! Let's see an Unusually Large ...
157 views2 commentsPete06/20/09 at 22:48rvanderbyl: Might be Mike B. from Port Alberni. I hope it'...