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DSC_0364.JPG 75 views1 commentsjmclennan07/03/19 at 11:11winddoctor: Nice one, Keen!
CapeSmack.jpg Cape Smack138 views3 commentsTsawwassen06/24/19 at 23:51Tsawwassen: Thanks guys, wish you were there Exclamation
CapeSmack.jpg Cape Smack138 views3 commentsTsawwassen06/24/19 at 21:26HiyoSilver: Surprised
CapeSmack.jpg Cape Smack138 views3 commentsTsawwassen06/24/19 at 13:12winddoctor: Sick one, Michael! Cool Best BWD windsurfing shot ...
kiting 480~0.jpg Mark V sliding the lines783 views3 commentsRidelikehell06/04/19 at 19:12ambientrax: board slide... nice pic
19.jpg 77 views1 commentsjmclennan06/03/19 at 21:08more force 4: Nice portrait!
11.jpg 45 views1 commentsjmclennan06/03/19 at 21:04more force 4: Great colours!
frank.jpg FranKenFoil132 viewsDaveM applied his skills to get me an awesome looking tuttle foil board for the season. Can't wait to try it out! 6'6'' or so and super light.1 commentstempy05/30/19 at 16:32winddoctor: Cool
Nitinat_Lake_6Jun16_warm_10m_day.JPG Nitinat from 37,000 Ft234 viewsTaken on Sunday 6 June 2016 a warm sunny 10.0 M day. My buddy is a 777 Captain and a big kiter.3 commentsSnarfer05/26/19 at 20:41thankgodiatepastafobreaky: Great for perspective!!! That would be the Carmana...
kite_view_of_nitinat.PNG Eagles View of Nitinat Beach319 views5 commentsSnarfer05/26/19 at 20:39thankgodiatepastafobreaky: This is like an Andy Caufman joke . make everyone ...
parking.jpg May2109 Long Weekend129 viewsSeriously, where was everyone?1 commentsSnarfer05/26/19 at 20:36thankgodiatepastafobreaky: Wow you had wind too?? Amazing. Richard Branson st...
DSC_0654.JPG 76 views3 commentsjmclennan05/11/19 at 09:54juandesooka: "don't correct, eject"
DSC_0655.JPG 113 views2 commentsjmclennan05/09/19 at 12:27Sandy Beach: Cool So Good!! Very Happy
DSC_0654.JPG 76 views3 commentsjmclennan05/07/19 at 13:52more force 4: What ever happened to 'hold on to the booms f...
DSC_0655.JPG 113 views2 commentsjmclennan05/07/19 at 12:56more force 4: Cummon Sandy, POW contender!!
DSC_0980.JPG 44 views1 commentsjmclennan05/06/19 at 20:41HiyoSilver: Smile
DSC_0654.JPG 76 views3 commentsjmclennan05/06/19 at 20:38HiyoSilver: Long ways down Surprised
DSC_0623.JPG 36 views1 commentsjmclennan05/06/19 at 20:37HiyoSilver: Cool
IMG_8637.JPG 72 views1 commentswinddude04/30/19 at 14:26JL: Twisted.
IMG_8619.JPG 83 views1 commentswinddude04/30/19 at 09:02winddoctor: Fun day! Thanks for the pics, WD!
20190406_1355085B15D.jpg Energy to boost in Esquimalt Lagoon291 views7 commentsmore force 404/19/19 at 20:34thankgodiatepastafobreaky: look out ducks!
MTZ_1834.jpg Jacob Howard Speed Blur142 views2 commentswinddoctor04/17/19 at 09:49winddoctor: Idea
MTZ_1834.jpg Jacob Howard Speed Blur142 views2 commentswinddoctor04/16/19 at 09:50downwind dave: not bad, a little faster shutter speed would clean...
20190406_1355085B15D.jpg Energy to boost in Esquimalt Lagoon291 views7 commentsmore force 404/07/19 at 21:04more force 4: I almost got a video of one of his jumps, I filmed...
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