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Image3.jpg 755 views5 commentsbwd01/28/08 at 20:59KUS: that's not for another 6 weeks, ain't it :...
Columbiacam-6-1621.jpg 409 views5 commentsObstreperous01/28/08 at 10:17~~~~~4j~~: Hmm, I'm not a kiter, but perhaps a "M&qu...
Columbiacam-6-1621.jpg 409 views5 commentsObstreperous01/27/08 at 18:04KUS: weird lookin' kite Shocked
OSEIiod.jpg look out Fiji !!!259 views1 commentsJL01/25/08 at 23:40AC: i need that sucker to head west Send me some swell...
IV_Xmas_Eve_full_moon.jpg Merry Christmas Eve : )203 views1 commentsKUS01/19/08 at 09:48windwoman: very nice !!
IVcam-2-1006.jpg 257 views2 commentsObstreperous01/17/08 at 00:23JL: The dikes were breaking up in the high water. :cry...
IVcam-2-1006.jpg 257 views2 commentsObstreperous01/16/08 at 22:01KUS: WTF, did all of Saanichton flush their toilets at ...
IMG_5358.JPG Strongkiteboarding.com810 viewsDoes any one know who is dropping in on this kiter.

2 commentsAC01/16/08 at 00:13asscrack: "Holy Crap"! Serious trouble for the win...
IMG_5358.JPG Strongkiteboarding.com810 viewsDoes any one know who is dropping in on this kiter.

2 commentsAC01/15/08 at 21:47downwind dave: the guy in the kevlar suit? isnt that just aussie ...
2008_Sail_Together.jpg 219 views4 commentswindwoman01/15/08 at 19:11KUS: Barely enough to plane a big board with the 5.8 :r...
P1132257.JPG Eastside w/ his new Koyote toy :)347 views1 commentsKUS01/15/08 at 18:53GWIND: WOW IS THAT A SPEED SAIL ?
37085.jpg This poor guy is working while we enjoy the s.e. @ home !!!676 views3 commentsJL01/15/08 at 18:04KUS: probably has several tarps for the Nitinat season ...
Cookcam-Nov122007-073141.jpg To scare Kus530 views1 commentsmore force 401/14/08 at 20:48KUS: hey, never saw this, thinking and drooling about K...
Cookcam-2.jpg After 6 beers this is in focus389 views4 commentsbwd01/14/08 at 20:47KUS: mouse-scrolling through this is pretty weird :shoc...
New_Year_s_@_Willows.jpg 258 views2 commentswindwoman01/14/08 at 20:40asscrack: Marathon Dave and Mark the Sprungman :lol:kiting.
Cookcam-Jan142008-161842.jpg Kiter braving the cold358 viewsBig conditions, 4 degrees cold!1 commentsmore force 401/14/08 at 20:39asscrack: Thats the Raging Bull Watson...blowing 40+on an 8 ...
2008_Sail_Together.jpg 219 views4 commentswindwoman01/14/08 at 16:15windwoman: 4th Annual 'Sail Together' ....... some pe...
New_Year_s_@_Willows.jpg 258 views2 commentswindwoman01/14/08 at 16:07windwoman: New Year's Day @ Willows.
2008_Sail_Together.jpg 219 views4 commentswindwoman01/14/08 at 13:06more force 4: The January 1 sail I believe. Not quite enough to...
raeside_windstorm7.JPG another raeside300 viewsI think this came out just after Kus' front page jump; I just found it.3 commentsmore force 401/14/08 at 12:48eastside: If the stinky bootie fits Crying or Very sad
image003.jpg Cont'd334 views3 commentsJL01/12/08 at 00:57marinelawyer: Visor doors on the Herald did not open below the w...
One_of_the_boys.jpg Tony Rippin with the lads545 viewsGo Tony Go!1 commentsasscrack01/11/08 at 07:28asscrack: Tony's first real upwind. Very Happy
Image3.jpg 755 views5 commentsbwd01/09/08 at 13:38ozy: Hope he does'nt land on another sealion!!
37085.jpg This poor guy is working while we enjoy the s.e. @ home !!!676 views3 commentsJL01/08/08 at 09:47downwind dave: i always got the impression that the tarp-sweepers...
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