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PSC-28.jpg by Clark222 views1 commentsMike C09/26/07 at 11:56winddoctor: C'mon, Mike! Put some effort into that turn! ;...
PSC-6.jpg by Clark251 views2 commentsMike C09/26/07 at 11:55winddoctor: Yeah baby!
Sup_sep_23_07.JPG 355 views2 commentsicurumba09/25/07 at 12:27winddoctor: Look out Laird! Cool
DSC_0169.jpg 324 views1 commentsicurumba09/25/07 at 10:39SMACK: If I only could have started so......young. Crying or Very sad...
Sup_sep_23_07.JPG 355 views2 commentsicurumba09/25/07 at 10:00icurumba: Reece Myerscough age 10, surfing JR in his Pyro su...
honky.JPG 419 viewsHonky1 commentsAC09/22/07 at 12:33Kite Kook: That is priceless, man. Chris in his uniform, just...
June_July_2007_011.jpg Off the Lip by Watson704 viewsActually, this was a secondary reaction to a bug bite.....3 commentsGrant Watson09/22/07 at 07:08KUS: Home-based Botox gone wrong Wink
Cookcam-2.jpg After 6 beers this is in focus390 views4 commentsbwd09/15/07 at 19:36winddoctor: "Punch it, Chewy!"
Cookcam-2.jpg After 6 beers this is in focus390 views4 commentsbwd09/15/07 at 18:47JL: looks o.k. to me. Cool
Cookcam-2.jpg After 6 beers this is in focus390 views4 commentsbwd09/15/07 at 18:34Russian Dood: Only after 6? Shocked I saw you been focused after...
Cookcam-0-Sep302006-120811.jpg Scene @ Cook256 viewsa beautiful sunny end to september and the sunniest (and windiest) summer at cook.2 commentsKite Kook09/15/07 at 15:59Kite Kook: How cruel in contrast to 2007...
P8090010.JPG Kiteboarder"s perspective of Nitinaht257 viewsSweet view from the middle of the lake1 commentsasscrack09/12/07 at 16:18Wavos Rancheros: got good feel Smile
Pat9010033.jpg MF4 & Kona pic by Windwoman269 viewsA little less embarrasing than MTMs!3 commentsmore force 409/10/07 at 14:49KUS: wow, first pic of the Kona planing Razz
Pat9010033.jpg MF4 & Kona pic by Windwoman269 viewsA little less embarrasing than MTMs!3 commentsmore force 409/10/07 at 12:09more force 4: Yeh, well, pics of John Kerry windsurfing in slogg...
Pat9010033.jpg MF4 & Kona pic by Windwoman269 viewsA little less embarrasing than MTMs!3 commentsmore force 409/10/07 at 10:18mortontoemike: Wasn't meant to embarass MF4. Just to show th...
Willowscam-0-0759.jpg glassy morning SUP workout332 viewsdefinitely some long stares from the beach when you're paddling around on an old windsurfer1 commentsmorewind09/09/07 at 18:07~~~~~4j~~: Glad to see the old boat is getting some use!
DSC00301.JPG MF4 - This one is good too!340 views1 commentsmortontoemike09/06/07 at 19:32more force 4: Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Surprised...
shark.jpg Shark in Tofino1320 viewsThis shark beached itself at North Cherstermans, Tofino on Friday. Can you name the species of shark? I can post more pics if anyone is interested.5 commentsicurumba09/06/07 at 11:02Tanya: This is a very young Salmon Shark (Lamna ditropis)...
IMG_2740.JPG 288 views1 commentsmore force 409/06/07 at 07:56more force 4: MF4 by Karen Jones - sometime it pays to ask if an...
P3300002.JPG Andrew's stuff468 viewsAnybody need anything?I mean anything?For you! Easter Sale. Marine motors,lawn,garden,paint,pottery,chairs,boats,fixtures,even the kitchen sink.1 commentsasscrack09/05/07 at 22:23JL: Pic. of the week !!! This guy created the 'STI...
DSC_0084.jpg 836 views3 commentsicurumba09/05/07 at 19:47icurumba: its a small salmon shark. My son Reece and another...
DSC00302.JPG MF4 in the buff!283 views2 commentsmortontoemike09/05/07 at 19:01KUS: odd looking paddle Cool
DSC00302.JPG MF4 in the buff!283 views2 commentsmortontoemike09/05/07 at 11:43more force 4: That harness makes me look fat Embarrassed [I know, I&...
DSC_0084.jpg 836 views3 commentsicurumba09/05/07 at 10:07Nosey: Maybe a baby great White???...did the shark die, a...
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