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DSC_002000001_1.JPG Wadell Playa, California356 views2 commentsPeterK04/11/07 at 08:05PeterK: Kus, We have been looking at snow since Nov.01, ...
DSC_001100001_1.JPG This one is for you Vic. Love Peter410 viewsCresent City, California2 commentsPeterK04/10/07 at 13:37windwoman: Wow Peter!! That's beautiful....Vic would be impre...
DSC_002000001_1.JPG Wadell Playa, California356 views2 commentsPeterK04/09/07 at 17:20KUS: Peter, how come you're not skiing at home Exclamation Cool
IMG_6936.JPG READY...SET....GO!!256 viewsSmithers 3800' vertical below, skiing all the way into town along the powerlines3 commentsKUS04/07/07 at 11:40KUS: Laughing Laughing Laughing whatever dood Rolling Eyes
IMG_6953.JPG Wooohoooo218 views2 commentsKUS04/07/07 at 11:39KUS: yeah, this pic is almost in town skiing down the p...
IMG_6953.JPG Wooohoooo218 views2 commentsKUS04/07/07 at 08:07~ pimp hand ~: that don't look like "thigh high" to me
IMG_6936.JPG READY...SET....GO!!256 viewsSmithers 3800' vertical below, skiing all the way into town along the powerlines3 commentsKUS04/07/07 at 08:06~ pimp hand ~: baaah ... skiing is ghey
tony and me 033.JPG beach114 viewswide sandy beach where the only concern is a bannana boat or maybe a horse1 commentsBones04/06/07 at 09:56KUS: when yer umbrella is still upright you know it's b...
IMG_6936.JPG READY...SET....GO!!256 viewsSmithers 3800' vertical below, skiing all the way into town along the powerlines3 commentsKUS04/04/07 at 18:44KUS: BTW anyone looking for new gear, I swear by these ...
columbiacam-Mar072007-092105.jpg Loafing Sea Lions347 views2 commentsObstreperous04/04/07 at 08:15KUS: you piss off your friends that what happens Surprised
columbiacam.jpg Grounded Prototype295 views1 commentsRudi04/03/07 at 09:39Mattdog: Question
vic_nitinat.jpg Vic at Nitinat (from Vic's daughter Terri)438 views2 commentsBenDover04/02/07 at 16:39Finno: Though it's been four years since I windsurfed Nit...
vic_nitinat.jpg Vic at Nitinat (from Vic's daughter Terri)438 views2 commentsBenDover04/02/07 at 11:17PhatBuddhA: I will never forget your kind smile and welcoming ...
lake-silvaplana2.jpg Lake Silva, Switzerland89 viewsThis is a lake in Switzerland. 2000 meter kiting and windsurfing.1 commentsRob Creese04/01/07 at 12:05GWIND: Looks like squimish to moi Rob
P3090001.JPG The Watsons757 viewsSmiling faces of Grant Cammie and Franky.1 commentsasscrack03/29/07 at 17:49jimmy lewis: Posers !!! I can feel the love. Razz Razz Razz
IMG_2231.JPG Cowichan Bay, Feb 1st 2006339 views3 commentsKUS03/28/07 at 11:52Rudi: hahaha "cowichan bay" my mouth is seale...
maui march 14-21 2007 135.jpg 70 views1 commentsiamvwman03/25/07 at 08:24KUS: wonder how that one ended, I think I know Rolling Eyes
maui march 14-21 2007 114.jpg 356 views2 commentsiamvwman03/25/07 at 08:21KUS: great colors..that a reef in front? right where yo...
maui march 14-21 2007 145.jpg 115 views1 commentsiamvwman03/24/07 at 18:55downwind dave: stoked canadian eh?
maui march 14-21 2007 109.jpg 106 views1 commentsiamvwman03/24/07 at 11:39iamvwman: Guess Who ????
maui march 14-21 2007 199.jpg 104 views1 commentsiamvwman03/24/07 at 11:38iamvwman: Maui Sunset
maui march 14-21 2007 122.jpg 195 views1 commentsiamvwman03/24/07 at 11:19iamvwman: Hookipa march 18 2007
maui march 14-21 2007 121.jpg 177 views1 commentsiamvwman03/24/07 at 11:18iamvwman: Hookipa march 18 2007
maui march 14-21 2007 120.jpg 192 views1 commentsiamvwman03/24/07 at 11:18iamvwman: Hookipa march 18 2007
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