1070 views3 commentsbwd11/17/06 at 23:42Mattdog: those inside flats are just awesome for kitesurfin...
1070 views3 commentsbwd11/17/06 at 20:52more force 4: nice! Wish I was as good a photographer as that w...
Who's turn to take down the flag ?!249 views1 commentsJL11/15/06 at 20:09bigwavedave:
Why is Bobson so happy..??574 views5 commentsBobson11/15/06 at 00:50jimmy lewis: Glamorous !!!
Why is Bobson so happy..??574 views5 commentsBobson11/14/06 at 20:03KUS: Yep, there are certain similarities
Why is Bobson so happy..??574 views5 commentsBobson11/14/06 at 18:27winddoctor: " I just graduated from the Kus School of Bea...
Why is Bobson so happy..??574 views5 commentsBobson11/14/06 at 17:51KUS: Hey good lookin' Wanna date
November 01, 20044869 views2 commentsbwd11/12/06 at 14:19GWIND: Monday-1 sailor guess who? paul luksay
Just to prove to Kus that I wasn't a total wind jinx323 views2 commentsmore force 411/11/06 at 11:15more force 4: Oh yeah? You're the orange pixel trying to waters...
Just to prove to Kus that I wasn't a total wind jinx323 views2 commentsmore force 411/11/06 at 08:58KUS: Oh Yeah Just look at the wind reading.....35Kn...
211 viewsBantham, South Devon Oct 062 commentsUKshredder11/09/06 at 10:30colin: that is awesome!!
mf4 trying to sail while waist-deep318 views3 commentsmore force 411/06/06 at 16:22more force 4: I didn't hold it for very long! And it wasn't on ...
mf4 trying to sail while waist-deep318 views3 commentsmore force 411/06/06 at 16:12downwind dave: it truly takes a high level of skill to hold that ...
mf4 trying to sail while waist-deep318 views3 commentsmore force 411/06/06 at 13:54KUS: Tsk tsk, Ezzy sails eh? My 4.8 Revo rocked once ag...
BWD is having a blast at IV. Nov 2006545 views2 commentsRussian Dood11/05/06 at 15:29bigwavedave: This is why I love IV - it looks cold and dark on ...
The end is near.358 views1 commentsJL11/05/06 at 15:19Mattdog:
242 views1 commentsKite Kook11/05/06 at 10:33TheLaw: I'm famous
BWD is having a blast at IV. Nov 2006545 views2 commentsRussian Dood11/04/06 at 23:34downwind dave: somethings fishy here..that wind looks a bit too o...
I HATE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!! ;)239 views2 commentsKUS11/03/06 at 15:08KUS: the thingie process that makes it get dark earlier...
Beacon241 viewsJust doing my part to help boaters avoid Cattle Point...1 commentsthemorb11/03/06 at 09:32winddoctor: MMmmm.. Bacon...... Oh, you said "Beacon"...
I HATE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!! ;)239 views2 commentsKUS11/02/06 at 22:46more force 4: sure you don't hate standard time Kus?
287 viewsWhile the south islanders wait......1 commentscolin11/01/06 at 20:01Wingnut: Actually, most of us were there that day
Time to go home :-(155 views1 commentsmore force 410/30/06 at 19:02KUS: ...and I just don't know why the bloody battens ke...
212 views2 commentswinddoctor10/29/06 at 11:24jimmy lewis: Larry (Spike) owned it !!!