Chris Curran, relaxed sailing on stolen gear182 views2 commentsBobson08/17/06 at 12:03Kite Kook: um, you don't look impressed, Chris!
159 viewsCrankin' right to the beach : )1 commentsWingnut08/16/06 at 10:40KUS: Nice shot
Windfest 2006 Doods486 views2 commentsmortontoemike08/14/06 at 22:06KUS: Watch your hands, Bobson or is that......hey....
Windfest 2006 - "Spirit in the Sky"684 views1 commentsmortontoemike08/14/06 at 18:57asscrack: Boardercross rules
Windfest 2006 - Kiters and Windsurfers mingle at Windfest807 views1 commentsmortontoemike08/14/06 at 18:55asscrack: Great turnout,Thanks everyone,The Organizers,the v...
Windfest 2006 Doods486 views2 commentsmortontoemike08/14/06 at 08:59jimmy lewis: Who owns that dog dude ?!
Windfest 2006 - Racers get ready for the horn - August 11, 2006396 views2 commentsmortontoemike08/13/06 at 11:06mortontoemike: OK. Maybe the horn went already ...
BWD with a perfect Forward Loop @ the Hatch140 views1 commentsPhatBuddhA08/09/06 at 20:38TheLaw: You Da Man Dave ...kinda makes up for the othe...
141 views3 commentsPhatBuddhA08/09/06 at 14:42KUS: hmmm, yeah, that HAD occurred to me too.... bastar...
DJ K to the U to the S with a sweet backloop hatch style!141 views2 commentsPhatBuddhA08/08/06 at 23:05windsurf247: At least your ass is covered
A bit of Dave with a hint of Russian Dood! love you guyz!158 views1 commentsPhatBuddhA08/08/06 at 22:19bigwavedave: haha, oh man i have to lay off the Vodka
at Dallas Road177 viewsYou can find my photo web page at Mysekai
In the top right corner of each gallery there is a button for slideshows1 commentswdeon08/08/06 at 21:38extremekindness Erik: Hey Hey Hey! Thanks for the great shot. It's me, E...
Mako carve137 views2 commentsGlenda08/08/06 at 19:38Glenda: And it is a very fine one at that!
Kus Snozz412 viewsApparently the dark lines are not a good thing so I can't sail til......Friday? thx (sailor) Doc Taylor, I appreciate the pic & prognosis ;)1 commentsKUS08/08/06 at 16:16mortontoemike: That's creepy! It doesn't even look like a nose.
Kon-Kussed813 viewsYou should see what the boom looks like! Heal up fast, Kus!5 commentswinddoctor08/08/06 at 11:17more force 4: Musta been bad if you didn't go out to finish the ...
Kon-Kussed813 viewsYou should see what the boom looks like! Heal up fast, Kus!5 commentswinddoctor08/08/06 at 10:39KUS: bummer, this is after the repeat rinsing so it's n...
Kon-Kussed813 viewsYou should see what the boom looks like! Heal up fast, Kus!5 commentswinddoctor08/08/06 at 07:39jimmy lewis: Yikes !!!
Kon-Kussed813 viewsYou should see what the boom looks like! Heal up fast, Kus!5 commentswinddoctor08/08/06 at 00:13Wingnut: Man, some guys will do anything to get their pic i...
Globe and Mail Article on Nitinat Lake348 views4 commentsmortontoemike08/07/06 at 13:02Mattdog: schloggers
Pat of Globe and Mail fame-Nitnat263 views3 commentsGareth08/06/06 at 12:12windwoman: Love it, Love it, Love it!! As soon as the torn l...
DJ K to the U to the S with a sweet backloop hatch style!141 views2 commentsPhatBuddhA08/04/06 at 21:25KUS: man, still don't know what da title means but hey,...
Paul (Kite Kook) at Dallas Road, August 1st, 2006124 viewsYou can find my photo web page at Mysekai
In the top right corner of each gallery there is a button for slideshows1 commentswdeon08/04/06 at 14:22KUS: and that's mike (morewind) on his 5m
Pat of Globe and Mail fame-Nitnat263 views3 commentsGareth08/04/06 at 14:20KUS: told you that 4.2 was worth every penny and t...
Globe and Mail Article on Nitinat Lake348 views4 commentsmortontoemike08/04/06 at 11:33mortontoemike: Who are the 2 windsurfers pictured?