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DSCF3487.JPG BWD in da'house133 views1 commentsPhatBuddhA07/31/06 at 21:10jimmy lewis: Thinking of joining a monastary...He's got Marty F...
DSCF3327.JPG 111 views1 commentsPhatBuddhA07/31/06 at 21:08jimmy lewis: Way more fun than deleting spam !!!
DSCF3490.JPG Kus... that's right...check it girls!296 views3 commentsPhatBuddhA07/31/06 at 17:45windwoman: For full frontal view....just close the door.........
DSCF3338.JPG 127 views1 commentsPhatBuddhA07/31/06 at 12:36KUS: not even the biggest day, doods Cool
DSCF3334.JPG 141 views3 commentsPhatBuddhA07/31/06 at 12:35KUS: the fateful last session Mad of an otherwise most...
CRW_2032eguchihama_Daves.jpg Eguchihama, Kagoshima, Japan159 viewsYou can find my photo web page at Mysekai

In the top right corner of each gallery there is a button for slideshows
1 commentswdeon07/30/06 at 19:54Mattdog: Wonderful symmetry of two sails, one board project...
_MG_5976_Vic_Colin2.jpg Colin at Dallas Road294 views Mysekai

In the top right corner of each gallery there is a button for slideshows
1 commentswdeon07/29/06 at 13:26more force 4: beautiful shot of water in motion, confident handl...
IMGP1099.JPG Random Act of Kindness Times 2!701 views1.Retrevial of a fallen glider
2.Cleaning Ocen Garbage!

Nice work!
1 commentsextremekindness Erik07/28/06 at 00:19Kite Kook: Times 3: I think that's the day he helped swim my ...
streamimage.php~19.jpg Big Wed.: 29@ Sher. 25-33 @ the beach.....201 views1 commentsJL07/27/06 at 06:33jimmy lewis: Pressure slope : 4.8 (env. Can.) Race 41.
tobinsfirstsail.jpg Tobin's first sail (july 22)441 views3 commentsdownwind dave07/25/06 at 21:38downwind dave: hopefully the first of many pics of my (3yo) son w...
FlorenceCam1.jpg Did BWD grow a mustach?262 viewsLooks like BWD is doing some Florence web cam maintenance...the coast is really aging you Dave maybe you should come home!1 commentsTheLaw07/25/06 at 19:26bigwavedave: haha nice, yeah all that sand adds years to you
lastscan.jpg Nitinat230 views2 commentslindsareeno07/18/06 at 11:13KUS: Karate Kid @ Nitinat Cool
lastscan.jpg Nitinat230 views2 commentslindsareeno07/18/06 at 11:09Bobson: If you can look past the gorgeous woman, that's me...
IMG_2622-2.jpg Superfreak at sunset242 viewsIt almost glows in the dark...2 commentsthemorb07/17/06 at 14:18downwind dave: hey morb if you love it so much whyd you leave it ...
IMG_1134.JPG By Laura Meyers4741 views12 commentsMike C07/17/06 at 00:05Kite Kook: Almost enough to make me take up windsurfing. Almo...
Mako Carve.JPG Mako carve137 views2 commentsGlenda07/16/06 at 23:58KUS: Excellent Hind Shot Laughing
Manzanita.JPG Surf beach - Mark V. photo159 views1 commentsGlenda07/14/06 at 08:31colin: OSWALD! Cool
IMG_2622-2.jpg Superfreak at sunset242 viewsIt almost glows in the dark...2 commentsthemorb07/11/06 at 19:13more force 4: Must make it easy to find your campsite after a la...
IMG_0421.JPG Art's Kendra Appeasement Shot ; )484 views1 commentsKUS07/10/06 at 11:13colin: i can't believe i missed these days
2006-06-26 16-20-58_0082.jpg As the GMac Turns291 views(Photo by Rob Crease)1 commentsKite Kook07/08/06 at 06:32asscrack: Foil Mac
0606-Nit-Vic,Pat,Andrey,Bryan,Claudia,Chris,Rick,Mike,Peter-min~0.jpg Fireside Group510 viewsVic,Pat,Andrey,Bryan,Claudia,Chris,Rick.Mike,Peter1 commentsVic Evans06/30/06 at 21:28TheLaw: why does Peter have knee pads?
IMG_1134.JPG By Laura Meyers4741 views12 commentsMike C06/30/06 at 14:02UKshredder: Hey guys !! This shot may have just swung where we...
0606-Nit-Web,Moss-River Trail.jpg 245 viewsMorning scene on the River Trail.2 commentsVic Evans06/29/06 at 20:06more force 4: Great shot!
0606-Nit-Web,Moss-River Trail.jpg 245 viewsMorning scene on the River Trail.2 commentsVic Evans06/29/06 at 10:10KUS: Nice one Vic Razz
8510 files on 355 page(s) 321