Kus!152 views1 commentsPhatBuddhA06/03/06 at 21:00more force 4: cool pic - the leach lines up perfectly with the h...
Kus!150 views2 commentsPhatBuddhA06/03/06 at 20:54more force 4: I miss the hockey helmet!
Top secret proto. 'Cup-o-Joe' kite saucers.438 views1 commentsJL06/02/06 at 21:59jimmy lewis: Ocean Rodeo remembers those 'saucers' we used on s...
Big Wave Dave's Cow Sounds355 views4 commentsmorewind06/02/06 at 12:28morewind: yeah, nothing keeps a 3 yr old more entertained th...
Big Wave Dave's Cow Sounds355 views4 commentsmorewind06/02/06 at 11:49Penguin: Entertaining your daughter?
Big Wave Dave's Cow Sounds355 views4 commentsmorewind06/02/06 at 11:26downwind dave: something tells me hes not the only one..
Big Wave Dave's Cow Sounds355 views4 commentsmorewind06/02/06 at 10:34morewind: The lack of wind has driven BWD to other activitie...
Construction of the artificial reef at Willows511 views3 commentsmorewind05/29/06 at 14:24morewind: only wishfull thinking, should have included the w...
Construction of the artificial reef at Willows511 views3 commentsmorewind05/29/06 at 14:20KUS: R U serious?? That'll cost someone a fin(box) and...
Construction of the artificial reef at Willows511 views3 commentsmorewind05/29/06 at 07:46morewind: look forward to head high peeling right sets for n...
More Doom Bar201 views2 commentsUKshredder05/26/06 at 23:43UKshredder: Its quite a famous sand bar, which many a ship has...
Pretty mellow...but desparate for a sail after three weeks of cold186 views1 commentsUKshredder05/26/06 at 16:15KUS: Mellow Looks pretty knarly to me
More Doom Bar201 views2 commentsUKshredder05/26/06 at 13:25downwind dave: nice one UK! well i have to ask - whys it called t...
oregon coast222 views1 commentsarturo05/26/06 at 13:21more force 4: Hey, the American's lost the "54 40 or fight&...
outer coast Jan05197 views1 commentsarturo05/26/06 at 11:00KUS: Early in the sesh "Dick for Wind" waveri...
Many dudes at Kook399 views2 commentscolin05/07/06 at 10:50Russian Guy: Hey me too
259 views2 commentsGdawg05/07/06 at 08:15Gdawg: Yep. I'm pretty sure I came out of that one.
259 views2 commentsGdawg05/07/06 at 08:01KUS: hey, looks great, nice shot did ya hold that...
Many dudes at Kook399 views2 commentscolin05/06/06 at 23:21downwind dave: great shot! im the guy on the ezzy, with the helm...
toungah143 views1 commentstom05/02/06 at 19:05jimmy lewis: Cod lips.
RH131 views1 commentstom05/02/06 at 19:04jimmy lewis: His suit has deflated !!!
penguinscanfly106 views1 commentstom05/02/06 at 19:03jimmy lewis: He likes his 12m 'one' !!!
invert slice944 views3 commentstom05/02/06 at 17:09asscrack: Nice shot ,"Wicked,radical,has to be Grant.&q...
blue man group130 views1 commentstom05/02/06 at 13:43tom: photo title courtesy of KSKK