Landing (Photo by Ger)151 views1 commentsKite Kook03/04/06 at 13:35more force 4: Don't snag the kite on that rock now!
Arrival272 views1 commentsKite Kook03/04/06 at 08:49asscrack: Nice to see you guys,looking good.
4078 viewsBest windsurfing Photo of WA
www.strongkiteboarding.com3 commentsAC03/02/06 at 22:00AC: Cory in Geralton Western Australia >.Back LooP&...
The Hood, Oregon85 views1 commentsRudi03/02/06 at 12:41Globetrotter: nice pics, which spot is that? looks great
Nitinat Mid Beach February 2006168 views2 commentsnitinaht_brat02/28/06 at 22:54more force 4: firewood is gonna be a little shorter this year!
Nitinat Mid Beach February 2006168 views2 commentsnitinaht_brat02/28/06 at 22:30mb: Sultry!
mb851 viewsAnother picture to get Bobson all worked up. Nitinat in August 2005. Look at that fogbank!3 commentsmortontoemike02/27/06 at 21:43more force 4: Oh my. No frozen fingers. No ice-cream headache....
mb851 viewsAnother picture to get Bobson all worked up. Nitinat in August 2005. Look at that fogbank!3 commentsmortontoemike02/27/06 at 18:40jimmy lewis: Great shot...That's worth putting a role of t.p. i...
Cowichan Bay, Feb 1st 2006339 views3 commentsKUS02/27/06 at 03:00UKshredder: fantastic picture...where exactly was this. What w...
Bigbury , South Devon Oct 21291 viewsThis might not look big, but this picture was taken just before the sand bars started working and i started sailing. The waves went mast high, and I was nailed by a mast high set. Saved by a kiter too !7 commentsUKshredder02/23/06 at 16:54jimmy lewis: I just knew that one day a kiter would save a wind...
114 views1 commentsUKshredder02/22/06 at 21:08dunkinguy: That is UK shredder about to punish that big bowl!
Bigbury , South Devon Oct 21291 viewsThis might not look big, but this picture was taken just before the sand bars started working and i started sailing. The waves went mast high, and I was nailed by a mast high set. Saved by a kiter too !7 commentsUKshredder02/22/06 at 21:07dunkinguy: Not summer, but it can work;not while I was there....
Crab boat getting chased by the Navy!!!209 views1 commentsBobson02/21/06 at 18:21kitermike: not sure why? the navy has enough crabs of their o...
172 views3 commentsalbertaboys02/16/06 at 11:47downwind dave: the deviator is needed to keep the mast safe from ...
172 views3 commentsalbertaboys02/16/06 at 10:11more force 4: That board must be almost as old as the car!
172 views3 commentsalbertaboys02/15/06 at 20:05KUS: look ma, I shrunk the kids
My new GK Sonic62 views1 commentsWindePendanT02/10/06 at 08:35jimmy lewis: & just before I tried an inadvertant body drag beh...
66 views1 commentsWindePendanT02/10/06 at 08:33jimmy lewis: Colin has the surfboard dialed in.
61 views1 commentsWindePendanT02/10/06 at 08:30jimmy lewis: Hang on Richard thats 21M up there.
51 views1 commentsWindePendanT02/10/06 at 08:29jimmy lewis: This shows the increased 'projected area' of the '...