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Rob Robson giving adjustment.jpeg What did these two fella's do to deserve this beating..??719 views7 commentsBobson12/20/05 at 14:46jimmy lewis: Who's your friend ?!
Rob Robson giving adjustment.jpeg What did these two fella's do to deserve this beating..??719 views7 commentsBobson12/20/05 at 14:11more force 4: are you 'readjusting' his head or what? You are ri...
IMG_1208~0.JPG Sunset ride, Manzanita, OR1011 views3 commentsGareth12/19/05 at 02:02Kook St. Kite Kook: beautiful Smile
Island Final - Fend Off.jpg 547 viewsLarge Manly Man exerting his authority on the game!! BANG!!7 commentsBobson12/18/05 at 20:20asscrack: The wind is coming up!Got to get to the beach!&quo...
Island Final - Fend Off.jpg 547 viewsLarge Manly Man exerting his authority on the game!! BANG!!7 commentsBobson12/16/05 at 12:00morewind: Looks like Bobson has the right of way -- on the s...
Island Final - Fend Off.jpg 547 viewsLarge Manly Man exerting his authority on the game!! BANG!!7 commentsBobson12/15/05 at 00:44winddoctor: I'm not so sure, BWD, you can see Bobson's fingers...
Island Final - Fend Off.jpg 547 viewsLarge Manly Man exerting his authority on the game!! BANG!!7 commentsBobson12/15/05 at 00:24bigwavedave: Why being bald in rugby is a good thing.
Island Final - Fend Off.jpg 547 viewsLarge Manly Man exerting his authority on the game!! BANG!!7 commentsBobson12/14/05 at 20:59Chris: Great pic, looks like you are on your own in hosti...
Island Final - Fend Off.jpg 547 viewsLarge Manly Man exerting his authority on the game!! BANG!!7 commentsBobson12/14/05 at 20:29more force 4: Formula racers - you have been warned! Rolling Eyes
dec2 Teignmth SE.jpg Force 6/7 SE at Teignmouth455 views3 commentsUKshredder12/11/05 at 15:19UKshredder: 4.0 Ezzy wave...gotta love the Ezzys
IMG_0293_3.JPG Scary117 views1 commentsGareth12/10/05 at 11:17KUS: the paint on the wall or the guy Shocked
132b.jpg 235 views5 commentsGlobetrotter12/08/05 at 22:19jimmy lewis: Renfrew, First left after the bridge.The buckets b...
132b.jpg 235 views5 commentsGlobetrotter12/08/05 at 20:42more force 4: Up at Doobah/Sprise area at the Nat, I think Question
132b.jpg 235 views5 commentsGlobetrotter12/08/05 at 13:57Kook St. Kite Kook: looks like a squirrely PR session to me...
129.jpg 211 views1 commentsGlobetrotter12/08/05 at 10:53KUS: Renfrew? C'mon a few hints here..up lake at Nat?
132b.jpg 235 views5 commentsGlobetrotter12/08/05 at 10:52KUS: at first thought Nimpkish Question but the driftwood,...
invic009.jpg location: dallas rd name: Chubs favorite restaurant: the sewage outfall diner146 views1 commentsGlobetrotter12/08/05 at 10:18Globetrotter: he's not just puffed up by the way, that picture d...
IMG_1175~0.JPG 1171 views1 commentsGareth12/07/05 at 12:42Penguin: Lookout above Manzanita, OR. It was 12m kitable th...
IMG_1208~0.JPG Sunset ride, Manzanita, OR1011 views3 commentsGareth12/06/05 at 16:31KUS: PIC OF DA WEEK, NICE SHOT DOOD Cool
9308-Nitinat-Windsurfing Regulars.jpg 1993 Nitinat Windsurfing Regulars1181 viewsThought this old picture might be of some interest !2 commentsVic Evans12/06/05 at 15:11downwind dave: only one dude caught the grunge wave... whos your...
9308-Nitinat-Windsurfing Regulars.jpg 1993 Nitinat Windsurfing Regulars1181 viewsThought this old picture might be of some interest !2 commentsVic Evans12/06/05 at 14:42jimmy lewis: Matt looks a little younger !!! Nice work Vic. Tha...
dec2 Teignmth SE.jpg Force 6/7 SE at Teignmouth455 views3 commentsUKshredder12/04/05 at 09:26asscrack: Looks 'RAD' man.4 meter what?
stikscrop.jpg dunkinguy and dwd comparing sticks one glassy am536 views3 commentsdownwind dave12/03/05 at 10:56more force 4: How do you attach a mast to those things???? Wink
dec2 Teignmth SE.jpg Force 6/7 SE at Teignmouth455 views3 commentsUKshredder12/03/05 at 03:51UKshredder: Sailed with a 4.0 was fantastic.
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