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NadsRailey.jpg Ultrakitegirl in the Gorge940 viewsNorth's latest North America team rider Nadina Kaminer rips it up in the Gorge.3 commentsultrakitegirl11/28/05 at 22:32Mattdog: I almost bought a board from her. Nice old Naish k...
NadsRailey.jpg Ultrakitegirl in the Gorge940 viewsNorth's latest North America team rider Nadina Kaminer rips it up in the Gorge.3 commentsultrakitegirl11/28/05 at 21:37asscrack: love to meet you!Kite guy. Cool
NadsRailey.jpg Ultrakitegirl in the Gorge940 viewsNorth's latest North America team rider Nadina Kaminer rips it up in the Gorge.3 commentsultrakitegirl11/28/05 at 13:40Voostra: Watch out with the Copyright at the bottom
122_2261.JPG 2467 views7 commentschewy11/26/05 at 10:31KUS: awesome all around Razz
P8250069_e.jpg Old days at the Gorge,cruising in the deluxe motorhome,sigh!596 viewsThis shot really takes me back,Island Sails goes to the Gorge,Check out the custom sail with the 3 D graffic's.That's Joel the progressive board designer in the forground,me ,the animal with the ANIMAL.These boards really rocked,unbelievable upwind and downwind ability,to bad they are not bieng made anymore.2 commentsasscrack11/26/05 at 09:07KUS: yup, my bud's got one, huge patched finbox and all...
Image of cheeseus.jpg Veveta Cheesus1544 viewsBrainchild of Simon."Praise Cheesus"!Glory ,Halalooyah!1 commentsasscrack11/22/05 at 10:07downwind dave: just the thing for yummy nacho communion
tugwellcam.jpg Dave has fitted a Hubble - lens to the Gordo's cam.313 viewsGordo's Hubble - Cam2 commentswinddoctor11/17/05 at 18:13asscrack: Laughing Looks more like many anus's. Rolling Eyes
P8210006_ec.jpg name that pilot?1844 views6 comments~ pimp hand ~11/17/05 at 18:06asscrack: MY DREAM IS JUMP OVER THE MOUNTAINS. Rolling Eyes Laughing
streamimage.php23.jpg 101 views1 commentsJL11/15/05 at 13:06more force 4: nice alpenglo on Baker
IMG_2063.JPG Body skip by Law1964 views4 commentstweezer11/14/05 at 13:24more force 4: Safe old school trick??
tugwellcam.jpg Dave has fitted a Hubble - lens to the Gordo's cam.313 viewsGordo's Hubble - Cam2 commentswinddoctor11/13/05 at 19:57downwind dave: i can just about see uranus
IVcam-Nov122005-122752.jpg Light Wind Kiting108 viewsSomone out at IV2 commentsKite Kook11/12/05 at 17:15KUS: ok, maybe down to 11 Cool Ed was above the boatla...
IVcam-Nov122005-122752.jpg Light Wind Kiting108 viewsSomone out at IV2 commentsKite Kook11/12/05 at 16:43jimmy lewis: Ed working the 16M O.R......8 knots
columbiacam-Nov092005-151430.jpg Invisibility trick?254 viewsMore from Nov. 9.1 comments~~~~~4j~~11/11/05 at 16:37more force 4: stealth windsurfer!
columbiacam-Nov092005-165331.jpg 192 viewsMore from Nov. 91 comments~~~~~4j~~11/11/05 at 09:18KUS: grrrrind Shocked
Kiting & Windsurfing 020.jpg fuzzy Watson258 views3 commentsCammie11/10/05 at 17:24more force 4: what size sail and board?
streamimage.php~3.jpg Dry S.E. !!!294 views1 commentsJL11/10/05 at 14:37downwind dave: it was a beauty day. clearly the waves arrived aft...
kamloops news.jpg Blast from the past509 viewsAnne was cleaning out some stuff and found this. This was 22 years ago! I was already 30! Chest harnesses, baggy sails, but new enough to get on the front page. 5 commentsmore force 411/08/05 at 18:34mb: Hey MF4, man looks like Freddie Mercury was racing...
seed tree.JPG 1047 views1 commentsToner11/08/05 at 17:02asscrack: Can you hear the tree fall in the forest. Crying or Very sad
122_2261.JPG 2467 views7 commentschewy11/08/05 at 16:52asscrack: Very nice,great shot.
Columbia_cam999.jpg November 01, 20044869 views2 commentsbwd11/08/05 at 16:50asscrack: Nice!!!!!!!!
IMG_1317~1.JPG 183 views1 commentswindaddiction11/08/05 at 10:11downwind dave: where do you get those "TOH" sails? :c...
Lancelin.JPG 1708 viewsRemember this Grant2 commentsAC11/07/05 at 22:40more force 4: THAT is a kitemare! Only 18 kites tho - I think I...
Kiting & Windsurfing 025.jpg "Is this mast warranteed Tim Trillwood?"356 views3 commentsCammie11/06/05 at 19:20asscrack: Good thing ,that it didn't break,when you were pas...
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