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Where_s My Dinner.jpg 47 views1 commentsworkinman09/11/05 at 22:17workinman: Where's My Dinner??
We_ve got the cash; now let_s get oughta here!.jpg 52 views1 commentsworkinman09/11/05 at 22:16workinman: We've got the cash; now let's get oughta here!
Tranquil Inner Harbour.jpg 64 views1 commentsworkinman09/11/05 at 22:16workinman: Tranquil Inner Harbour
Traffic On the High Seas.jpg 62 views1 commentsworkinman09/11/05 at 22:15workinman: Traffic On the High Seas
Traffic In the Strait.jpg 60 views1 commentsworkinman09/11/05 at 22:15workinman: Traffic In the Strait
Throw Me Another Beer!.jpg 79 views1 commentsworkinman09/11/05 at 22:14workinman: Throw Me Another Beer!
Those dudes are too cool!.jpg 66 views1 commentsworkinman09/11/05 at 22:13workinman: Those dudes are too cool!
Wind de Fuca Strait.jpg 88 views1 commentsworkinman09/11/05 at 22:13workinman: Wind de Fuca Strait
expedit.jpg Mike, Port Steve, RandyK, Starboard Steve, Fish960 views6 commentsStarboard Steve09/07/05 at 11:07downwind dave: man those short shorts were such the rage back in ...
SteveAir5.JPG 162 views1 commentsStarboard Steve09/07/05 at 09:02downwind dave: ok whats the story here, you dont have a jp. nic...
SlalomRacers.JPG 2001 Slalom Racers635 views1 commentsStarboard Steve09/06/05 at 19:44Starboard Steve: Fish, Zippy, Tweezer, Betts, Steve T., Big Brad, R...
Kiteboards 2005 Bottom.jpg 162 views3 commentsTactile09/05/05 at 19:46mossman: post how you built them step by step with photos -...
guinchologo.JPG Guincho getting messy218 views2 commentsUKshredder09/05/05 at 02:10UKshredder: yeah, its a bit hairy. But there is a channel to g...
P8210006_ec.jpg name that pilot?1844 views6 comments~ pimp hand ~09/03/05 at 00:27~ pimp hand ~: yep, johnny in your FRONTyard martin
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1356 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~09/02/05 at 19:53tweezer: I remember all that neon - Zippy still uses his Z-...
P8210006_ec.jpg name that pilot?1844 views6 comments~ pimp hand ~09/02/05 at 13:41Martin: Johnny Read? Above the Olympics!
trevstyle.jpg Dunkin guy stylin hard in Guincho !613 views1 commentsUKshredder09/02/05 at 09:13downwind dave: or hardly stylin'. you be the judge Razz
guinchologo.JPG Guincho getting messy218 views2 commentsUKshredder09/02/05 at 08:47KUS: sooo, how does one get outta THAT Shocked withou...
IMG_2074.JPG Body launch by fish - photo by Owen638 views3 commentstweezer08/31/05 at 20:56Starboard Steve: TheFish takes the bait... Hook, line and sinker.
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1356 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~08/31/05 at 11:14jimmy lewis: Ranger Rick, Matt, Don, Al.....Great shot !
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1356 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~08/31/05 at 09:34downwind dave: my eyes! Cool blinded by the neon Cool (i meant...
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1356 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~08/30/05 at 21:29KUS: I told ya, those growth hormones kick some ass :-...
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1356 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~08/30/05 at 18:51winddoctor: No that's Lil' Kus in da helmut!
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1356 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~08/30/05 at 12:41downwind dave: looks a bit before my time, I can only name glen m...
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