The arch to heaven148 views3 commentsPatches08/09/05 at 10:18KC7777: Australia
[winddoc] - i refuse to do tha 'swim of shame'640 views3 comments~ pimp hand ~08/08/05 at 07:06jimmy lewis: Pump it !!!
Victoria Day Weekend1438 views4 commentsVic Evans08/07/05 at 21:02Toner: great shot
Fog387 views1 commentsJL08/06/05 at 21:28KUS: what a day
a kite is a must for this place!1597 views5 comments~ pimp hand ~08/06/05 at 10:20~ pimp hand ~: ayee doc, K-town ... i think it was about 33 degre...
a kite is a must for this place!1597 views5 comments~ pimp hand ~08/06/05 at 09:40winddoctor: Okanagan?
127 views1 commentsPatches08/05/05 at 13:45KC7777: where's the double hand drop?
nice paddle380 views1 commentscolin08/04/05 at 23:30Mattdog: "God's country"
200 views1 commentsbwd08/03/05 at 21:43winddoctor: Wow! Glad I slept in the warm truck that night! I ...
Royn119 views1 commentsbwd08/03/05 at 21:41winddoctor: CRazEE FLY!!
Mike C at Florence203 views2 commentsbwd08/03/05 at 12:09C36: Now that is commitment! Glad to see you got s...
No shortage of advice on how to waterstart @Nitinat ...2246 views3 commentsmortontoemike08/03/05 at 09:33Windsurfish: Excellent body language - now that's a lesson if I...