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IMG_2063.JPG Body skip by Law1964 views4 commentstweezer08/13/05 at 08:40TheLaw: This the new hip skip to land on the mast trick th...
streamimage.php~0.jpg 198 views1 commentsJL08/12/05 at 07:55jimmy lewis: "Did I mention how much I'm enjoying the 2005...
P8070094_e.jpg [winddoc] - i refuse to do tha 'swim of shame'640 views3 comments~ pimp hand ~08/11/05 at 22:05winddoctor: Secret test of Naish Wave Hybrid 85 Wink
P8070094_e.jpg [winddoc] - i refuse to do tha 'swim of shame'640 views3 comments~ pimp hand ~08/11/05 at 11:39Windsurfish: I think I should sheet in now? Shocked
aug1020052.jpg 498 views1 commentsmshepard08/11/05 at 08:25jimmy lewis: Secret weapon !!!
AF008801.JPG The arch to heaven148 views3 commentsPatches08/09/05 at 10:18KC7777: Australia
P8070094_e.jpg [winddoc] - i refuse to do tha 'swim of shame'640 views3 comments~ pimp hand ~08/08/05 at 07:06jimmy lewis: Pump it !!!
0505-Nit-E-Mya swing.jpg Victoria Day Weekend1438 views4 commentsVic Evans08/07/05 at 21:02Toner: great shot
fog.jpg Fog387 views1 commentsJL08/06/05 at 21:28KUS: what a day Exclamation
P7180178_e.jpg a kite is a must for this place!1597 views5 comments~ pimp hand ~08/06/05 at 10:20~ pimp hand ~: ayee doc, K-town ... i think it was about 33 degre...
P7180178_e.jpg a kite is a must for this place!1597 views5 comments~ pimp hand ~08/06/05 at 09:40winddoctor: Okanagan?
JP @ Rowena.jpg 127 views1 commentsPatches08/05/05 at 13:45KC7777: where's the double hand drop?
paddle.jpg nice paddle380 views1 commentscolin08/04/05 at 23:30Mattdog: "God's country"
DSC03059.JPG 200 views1 commentsbwd08/03/05 at 21:43winddoctor: Wow! Glad I slept in the warm truck that night! I ...
DSC02967.JPG Royn119 views1 commentsbwd08/03/05 at 21:41winddoctor: CRazEE FLY!!
DSC02914.JPG Mike C at Florence203 views2 commentsbwd08/03/05 at 12:09C36: Very Happy Now that is commitment! Glad to see you got s...
DSCN0366.JPG No shortage of advice on how to waterstart @Nitinat ...2246 views3 commentsmortontoemike08/03/05 at 09:33Windsurfish: Excellent body language - now that's a lesson if I...
0506-Nit-E-8 Kites.jpg 8 Kites270 views1 commentsVic Evans08/02/05 at 09:44thankgodiatepastafobreaky: Wow what a crazy looking sport - how do they not g...
July 28,05-001-800ppi.jpg Mike Wade (Go Big or Go Home!)2258 viewsrawphoto3 commentsSpike08/02/05 at 07:27~ pimp hand ~: nice air
0501-Island View-E-Bash 3 Dave Marcus Jim -.jpg Dave, Marcus, Jim and Mike183 views1 commentsVic Evans08/01/05 at 21:08jimmy lewis: & Sharkbait was never seen from again !!!
IMG_0683.JPG is that Gariboldi?723 views1 commentsx307/29/05 at 13:49KUS: cool pic Cool
DSCN0366.JPG No shortage of advice on how to waterstart @Nitinat ...2246 views3 commentsmortontoemike07/28/05 at 09:31jimmy lewis: Gumby lives !!!
AF008801.JPG The arch to heaven148 views3 commentsPatches07/28/05 at 09:04KUS: where da heck is it? Mehico?
huh.jpg 209 viewswhats with this exposure?2 commentscolin07/27/05 at 21:19bean: too many mushrooms Shocked
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