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258.jpg 1719 views4 commentsHoser02/01/05 at 21:43anon: colin you suck
Columbiacam-124224.jpg January 30, 2005504 views2 commentsbwd02/01/05 at 16:27KUS: who's da freak with the hockey helmet??
Cookcam-0-Jan312005-121853.jpg Jan 31 2005266 views1 commentsbwd02/01/05 at 16:20KUS: I guess I had almost made it back to the beach by ...
Columbiacam-124813.jpg 442 views3 commentsbwd02/01/05 at 11:34dwd: what are those 90m lines or something?
IV_cam940.jpg 73 views1 commentsbwd02/01/05 at 10:42Anon: ogopogo...????
14-11-2004 11-50-42 AM_0088.jpg 1339 views4 commentsFanatic01/31/05 at 18:56bigwavedave: I heard he goes both ways now!
14-11-2004 11-50-42 AM_0088.jpg 1339 views4 commentsFanatic01/31/05 at 10:48Anon: Very Happy Sad Surprised alberto gonzaqles
paul-happy.jpg Paul happy520 views4 commentsRob Creese01/29/05 at 16:09Anon: Bliss!
258.jpg 1719 views4 commentsHoser01/28/05 at 13:45colin: thats awsome! maybe windsurfing isnt so lame after...
Columbiacam-124813.jpg 442 views3 commentsbwd01/27/05 at 20:59bigwavedave: I'd guess at least 15 ft by the size of the person...
Columbiacam-124813.jpg 442 views3 commentsbwd01/27/05 at 18:23Alex: Anyway to guesstimate that height?
Columbiacam-131015.jpg 604 views1 commentsbwd01/24/05 at 09:03jimmy lewis: Razz Thats why those things kiter's wear are calle...
Columbiacam-142714.jpg The Paul L Cam768 views1 commentsbwd01/22/05 at 13:00Anon: who gets more sailing than you!!!!
DSCN2035.jpg Sweet Jibe!154 views4 commentsWindePendanT01/20/05 at 16:29dwd: pffft. i can do that on a longboard in like 3kts.
DSCN2019.jpg 92 views1 commentsWindePendanT01/20/05 at 16:25dwd: hi everyone! hood & helmet, thats me.
DSCN2035.jpg Sweet Jibe!154 views4 commentsWindePendanT01/20/05 at 10:19dunkinguy: As I am the person in the photo, I shall explain. ...
DSCN2027.jpg Team work101 views1 commentsWindePendanT01/20/05 at 07:36johnny: boys are looking good,for sure,better tan now ,tho...
DSCN2035.jpg Sweet Jibe!154 views4 commentsWindePendanT01/19/05 at 17:30WindePendanT: I don't know who it was, but he lay the sail down ...
DSCN2035.jpg Sweet Jibe!154 views4 commentsWindePendanT01/19/05 at 15:58~ pimp hand ~: jibe?
DSCN2014.jpg 127 views1 commentsWindePendanT01/19/05 at 15:54~ pimp hand ~: the elders Smile
columbiacam-Jan172005-142856.jpg January 17, 2005458 views1 commentsbwd01/18/05 at 10:25KUS: good altitude on the kiter, haha Cool
Scan16.jpg 221 views3 commentsElizabeth01/16/05 at 20:06colin: great shot, looking forward to doing some of that ...
Cookcam-0-Dec142004-141201.jpg Dec 14 2004248 views1 commentsbwd01/15/05 at 22:14BJL(KitsPT): Laughing Faster than a Surfer, now that's FAST !!
bobsonjan8.png Bobsicle beachstart, Island View 0 degrees, NE 20kt205 views1 commentsmore force 401/09/05 at 11:31jimmy lewis: Sad So cold he had to shatter his speedo with a r...
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