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14-11-2004 11-36-59 AM_0031.jpg 130 views1 commentsFanatic11/15/04 at 10:18Toner: cool
14-11-2004 11-48-40 AM_0077.jpg 140 views1 commentsFanatic11/15/04 at 09:38KUS: did you land it, doc? I think that's you...
14-11-2004 11-48-36 AM_0076.jpg 99 views1 commentsFanatic11/15/04 at 08:28jl: If you look closely you can see the kite lines!
14-11-2004 11-59-26 AM_0116.jpg 140 views1 commentsFanatic11/15/04 at 08:25jl: Death grip !
Columbia_cam991.jpg Big Sunday Nov 14, 2004772 views1 commentsbwd11/15/04 at 08:11jl: Big Air!
14-11-2004 11-48-40 AM_0079.jpg 157 views1 commentsFanatic11/14/04 at 23:21Anon: Impressive! Shocked
IMG_3212.jpg 959 views2 commentscolin11/14/04 at 00:03~ pimp hand ~: nice!
IMG_3212.jpg 959 views2 commentscolin11/13/04 at 20:03local yokal: "The Grant Grab"!
Gordons_cam839.jpg 4157 views4 commentsbwd11/12/04 at 23:16Sail Chick: I want this Pic on my wall!
silver stands.jpg 2566 views9 commentsRob Creese11/12/04 at 19:21Anon: yes...what a day
DSCN0239.JPG I call this move the salmon grab885 views4 commentsspinetingler11/11/04 at 10:26Ally: Are you kidding me?
silver stands.jpg 2566 views9 commentsRob Creese11/10/04 at 19:51asscrack: Which Mark? is it the Sprungman.Nice.
DallasRdSunset.jpg 2423 views4 commentsElizabeth11/10/04 at 19:48asscrack: very incredible Liz,Glad to see you love the beach...
Cookcam-5-1704.jpg Friday Oct 15, 2004 5:04pm405 views4 commentsbwd11/10/04 at 19:35Kook St. Kite Kook: Nope. That is Soozee's kite (she bought it from Gr...
silver stands.jpg 2566 views9 commentsRob Creese11/10/04 at 10:48Anon: can we see this in colour????
DSCN0244.JPG Grant kicking the sky1311 views3 commentsspinetingler11/09/04 at 18:47~ pimp hand ~: nice
DSCN0239.JPG I call this move the salmon grab885 views4 commentsspinetingler11/09/04 at 18:42~ pimp hand ~: nice Exclamation
DSCN0270.JPG 183 views1 commentsspinetingler11/09/04 at 18:19Anon: Talk about a close shot.
DSCN0274.JPG Grant343 views2 commentsspinetingler11/09/04 at 17:40asscrack: "Glass Act Granto!"
DSCN0287.JPG Ocean Rodeo F-ing good stuff!!653 views3 commentsspinetingler11/09/04 at 17:39asscrack: "Friggen good.says ,Vaderdog"!
silver stands.jpg 2566 views9 commentsRob Creese11/09/04 at 12:42Anon: sweet wave caught by mark
kus.jpeg Marcus697 views3 commentsRussian Dood11/09/04 at 12:31KUS: more like tries to imitate Michelin Man to scare s...
kus.jpeg Marcus697 views3 commentsRussian Dood11/09/04 at 11:27jl: On strike N.H.L star visits Columbia beach for a c...
silver stands.jpg 2566 views9 commentsRob Creese11/08/04 at 21:12Anon: awsome
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