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IMG_1289.JPG 184 views4 commentswindymindy05/30/17 at 21:02eastside: Lots of action in this shot Exclamation
DSC_8830~0.JPG 178 views5 commentsStephan05/29/17 at 21:48banjohips: This kid rips...good to see, windsurfing needs som...
P1060507.JPG Crazy NW windstorm at SP112 viewsKen begging for mercy as he holds down a 10 in 30-40 knots1 commentsrvanderbyl05/25/17 at 22:29more force 4: surprised that his left arm isn't stretched l...
P1060511.JPG Crazy NW windstorm at SP135 viewsOverview towards Ballenas from SP1 commentsrvanderbyl05/25/17 at 12:04HiyoSilver: Surprised
DSC_8830~0.JPG 178 views5 commentsStephan05/25/17 at 08:44winddude: awesome! didn't know vancouver island had a ...
DSC_8830~0.JPG 178 views5 commentsStephan05/24/17 at 23:21FrancescoSeacily: Brave and strong kid!!
DSC_8866.JPG 129 views1 commentsStephan05/24/17 at 23:19FrancescoSeacily: Rolling Eyes
DSC_8846.JPG 95 views1 commentsStephan05/24/17 at 23:18FrancescoSeacily: This guy was doing crazy loop...but also weird tri...
DSC_8842.JPG 109 views1 commentsStephan05/24/17 at 23:14FrancescoSeacily: Thank you for the nice picture... I was way overpo...
DSC_8830~0.JPG 178 views5 commentsStephan05/24/17 at 16:05winddoctor: He was on a 2.4! So awesome seeing this little rip...
DSC_8830~0.JPG 178 views5 commentsStephan05/24/17 at 15:34C36: Cool
LB-16.jpg ...hand dragging the shizzle out of that wave95 views1 commentsTheLaw05/22/17 at 10:15winddoctor: Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love me some hand drag.
7~5.jpg heyyyy! (Redbaron)122 views1 commentsC3605/10/17 at 11:54C36: or maybe "approved" would be better titl...
BWD-5.jpg Wade159 views2 commentswinddoctor05/08/17 at 15:20C36: poetic Cool
BWD-12.jpg Wade gettin' all artsy.178 views3 commentswinddoctor05/08/17 at 15:19C36: psychedelic Very Happy
BWD-3.jpg Reece has it under control...111 views1 commentswinddoctor05/08/17 at 15:17C36: Great mood shot!
BWD-2.jpg Wade114 views1 commentswinddoctor05/08/17 at 15:16C36: Very graphic against the blue bird sky!
IMG_9384_28229.JPG Sailboarding115 views2 commentsredbaron05/08/17 at 12:14C36: shhh be very quiet...
IMG_9522_28229.JPG BWD sunset set133 views2 commentsredbaron05/08/17 at 11:17C36: Glad I sent the 'second' text! Very Happy
IMG_9461_28229.JPG Tom90 views1 commentsredbaron05/08/17 at 11:14C36: Very Happy
IMG_9332_28229.JPG Look out!85 views1 commentsredbaron05/08/17 at 11:07C36: These seamed 'friendly' after LB. Razz
IMG_9292_28229.JPG LB Peanut Gallery93 views1 commentsredbaron05/08/17 at 11:07C36: Much safer spot! Very Happy Wink
IMG_9282_28229.JPG Long Beach Bomb!97 views1 commentsredbaron05/08/17 at 11:05C36: Shocked Had a few similar LB 'moments' o...
IMG_9275_28229.JPG LB Light winds90 views1 commentsredbaron05/08/17 at 11:02C36: Very Happy Nice!
8510 files on 355 page(s) 46