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DSC_0881.JPG 126 views1 commentsT12/28/16 at 10:25240: Nice shot!!!
DSC_0959.JPG 148 views2 commentsT12/28/16 at 09:32gnarf: Despite appearance, lineups were actually not that...
DSC_0982.JPG 135 views2 commentsT12/27/16 at 23:24winddoctor: Flying aqua grizzlies Shocked
DSC_0204_3.jpg Dunkinguy160 views4 commentsHiyoSilver12/21/16 at 21:32redbaron: Nice score!
DSC_0196_3.jpg Mark & John163 views1 commentsHiyoSilver12/21/16 at 15:11C36: Cool Great mood shot!
DSC_0197_3.jpg Dunkinguy122 views1 commentsHiyoSilver12/21/16 at 15:09C36: Two at play on the 'frosted cake'! Razz
DSC_0202_3.jpg Atomic-Chomic150 views3 commentsHiyoSilver12/21/16 at 15:08C36: Nice groove! Very Happy Love the wind texture on the wav...
DSC_0204_3.jpg Dunkinguy160 views4 commentsHiyoSilver12/21/16 at 15:07C36: Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Nice!
DSC_0204_3.jpg Dunkinguy160 views4 commentsHiyoSilver12/21/16 at 10:25KUS: Ahhhh yessss Very Happy he comes out like Santa once a ye...
DSC_0202_3.jpg Atomic-Chomic150 views3 commentsHiyoSilver12/20/16 at 22:06winddoctor: Switch!
DSC_0199_3.jpg Dunkinguy134 views1 commentsHiyoSilver12/20/16 at 22:05winddoctor: Cool
DSC_0204_3.jpg Dunkinguy160 views4 commentsHiyoSilver12/20/16 at 22:05Atomic-Chomik: Razz
DSC_0202_3.jpg Atomic-Chomic150 views3 commentsHiyoSilver12/20/16 at 22:02Atomic-Chomik: Cool
BackLoopCrash.jpg Airtime191 views3 commentsTsawwassen12/11/16 at 03:12ozy: :Outer Spaaaaace -D
DSCF5521.JPG jesse in the right spot again...and yes he rode it out.378 views5 commentsbamfieldave12/05/16 at 19:58bwd: oh yes
untitled-7~2.jpg 197 views1 commentswinddoctor12/05/16 at 19:56bwd: Who is this guy and how does he keep getting Photo...
untitled-4~2.jpg 197 views2 commentswinddoctor12/05/16 at 17:55Tsawwassen: Nice shots as usual Chris Surprised Exclamation
DSCF5509.JPG jesse293 views3 commentsbamfieldave12/05/16 at 08:35eastside: Cool
DSCF5521.JPG jesse in the right spot again...and yes he rode it out.378 views5 commentsbamfieldave12/05/16 at 08:34eastside: Cool
DSCF5509.JPG jesse293 views3 commentsbamfieldave12/05/16 at 08:25bamfieldave: Cool
DSCF5521.JPG jesse in the right spot again...and yes he rode it out.378 views5 commentsbamfieldave12/04/16 at 23:14Tsawwassen: Dude... that is sweeeeet Shocked
DSCF5495.JPG spray off the lip!268 views1 commentsbamfieldave12/04/16 at 23:00HiyoSilver: Awesome
DSCF5509.JPG jesse293 views3 commentsbamfieldave12/04/16 at 21:38redbaron: Sweet angle dude.
DSCF5521.JPG jesse in the right spot again...and yes he rode it out.378 views5 commentsbamfieldave12/04/16 at 21:37redbaron: Razz , thanks for the shot!
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