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P1060207.jpg TV out in the light wind tropical paradise we know as Nitnat.163 views2 commentsrvanderbyl08/26/16 at 08:35C36: Tropical paradise: Anyone know what caused the wat...
P1060246.jpg Flying fish...186 views4 commentsrvanderbyl08/25/16 at 18:02eastside: Laughing
P1060269.jpg Two Gentleman out together229 views2 commentsrvanderbyl08/25/16 at 17:07rvanderbyl: No Gord. That's my new boom. Letting Rob take...
P1060269.jpg Two Gentleman out together229 views2 commentsrvanderbyl08/24/16 at 21:32Gord Baines: Wait a second, is that Tara's new boom I see ...
IMG_9010_Big_Wave_Dave_sm.jpg August 29, 2015274 viewsHello, I took this photo last August at Island View Beach. Sorry so late uploading!4 commentsLaura Akers08/09/16 at 14:29Laura Akers: Hello and thank you! Great kiteboarding!
IMG_9010_Big_Wave_Dave_sm.jpg August 29, 2015274 viewsHello, I took this photo last August at Island View Beach. Sorry so late uploading!4 commentsLaura Akers08/03/16 at 11:53more force 4: Wow, that is rare for late August!! Great shot :...
IMG_9010_Big_Wave_Dave_sm.jpg August 29, 2015274 viewsHello, I took this photo last August at Island View Beach. Sorry so late uploading!4 commentsLaura Akers08/02/16 at 11:16bwd: Saturday Aug 29 2015: Kelp Reef peak wind SSE 38g4...
IMG_9010_Big_Wave_Dave_sm.jpg August 29, 2015274 viewsHello, I took this photo last August at Island View Beach. Sorry so late uploading!4 commentsLaura Akers08/01/16 at 20:47winddoctor: That was August?? Looks like February Laughing Nice ...
untitled-31.jpg Adrien182 views5 commentswinddoctor07/29/16 at 09:58Sandy Beach: about to be skewered Shocked
untitled-30.jpg Dave B166 views*LEARN GOITERS BEFORE TRYING HAND DRAG VARIATIONS* 2 commentswinddoctor07/29/16 at 09:57Sandy Beach: rapper DWD breakdancing on the water Cool
IMG_3049.JPG Airing it out (Shaggy at the Rock)102 views1 commentsC3607/25/16 at 19:52downwind dave: niiice
_MG_3690s~0.jpg "construction crasher"304 viewsrepresenting the island over in Squamish - freestyle win (kite-o-ween) - photo credit Jim Hegan3 commentsGlobe07/21/16 at 19:37JL: Sandy is in my head Razz
102_3150.JPG 93 views1 commentsjuandesooka07/21/16 at 12:13JL: Rocdoc on his 12 protegy Razz
I_dont_need_this_board_Brendan_281024x66929.jpg My favorite photo from this weekend.300 views"I don't need this board" GoldenRule1 commentsnanmoo07/19/16 at 15:17GWIND: Moo is that your wife? Shocked good job
G0012482.JPG 218 views4 commentsgnarf07/16/16 at 22:26Atomic-Chomik: Seeing that go pro's shrink everything down b...
IMG_2604.JPG Clean face (Russ at the Cape)67 views2 commentsC3607/13/16 at 12:41C36: Got it - thanks WD.
IMG_2604.JPG Clean face (Russ at the Cape)67 views2 commentsC3607/13/16 at 09:21winddoctor: Russ
IMG_2741.JPG Interperative dance (Winddoctor)71 views* Please feel free to add your own caption. *1 commentsC3607/13/16 at 09:19winddoctor: Outhouse is this way?
Kiting & Windsurfing 001.jpg Nice Island View Day208 views2 commentsCammie07/12/16 at 23:14JL: You certainly are John
IMG_2231.JPG Lift off (TheLaw at TheCape)68 views2 commentsC3607/12/16 at 19:15C36: great light typical of 'evening glass-off...
IMG_2375.JPG Preparing (unknown sailor - previously noted as Nanmoo - at the Cape)80 views3 commentsC3607/12/16 at 19:11C36: Moo: Embarrassed Sorry about that - some of the finer ...
IMG_2209.JPG Ta da! (TheLaw at TheCape)73 viewsBrown water gear rinse - it's that simple!
* Please feel free to add your own caption. *
2 commentsC3607/12/16 at 19:04C36: WD: Your right. "WTF?!!? is more in keeping...
IMG_2198.JPG Signature move - with wave (TheLaw at TheCape)71 views1 commentsC3607/12/16 at 18:23winddoctor: Shocked
IMG_2209.JPG Ta da! (TheLaw at TheCape)73 viewsBrown water gear rinse - it's that simple!
* Please feel free to add your own caption. *
2 commentsC3607/12/16 at 18:22winddoctor: I believe this caption is distinctly more "WT...
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