udderland delivers148 views2 commentsJfish12/12/15 at 20:57KUS: Ok..why would you do that I'm confused :-...
the end149 views2 commentsJfish12/12/15 at 20:09winddoctor: Yeah, well, Shaggy's a size queen.
big swells184 views2 commentsJfish12/12/15 at 20:07winddoctor: Looks like Flo'!!
udderland delivers p2136 views1 commentsJfish12/12/15 at 20:01Atomic-Chomik: wow
the end149 views2 commentsJfish12/12/15 at 19:16C36: That (wave) has some grith to it.
udderland delivers148 views2 commentsJfish12/12/15 at 19:13C36: Does that Shaggy guy ever sail in without a wa...
190 viewsWent down to windsurf out off Clover Pt but didn't have anything for near hurricane strength . I see trial island was 66 knots at 1pm, I was thinking at the time it has to be 60+, maybe 70 when I was at Clover. These shots were later, after I had left to check out willows and then came back. Still was nuts and must have been 50+ and running out of daylight. Live to surf another day 3 commentsUnusuallyLargeRobin12/12/15 at 19:05JL: Mr Floaty jumped higher than Larry
190 viewsWent down to windsurf out off Clover Pt but didn't have anything for near hurricane strength . I see trial island was 66 knots at 1pm, I was thinking at the time it has to be 60+, maybe 70 when I was at Clover. These shots were later, after I had left to check out willows and then came back. Still was nuts and must have been 50+ and running out of daylight. Live to surf another day 3 commentsUnusuallyLargeRobin12/12/15 at 17:52dougwick: Tremendous amount of sewage blow back as well
190 viewsWent down to windsurf out off Clover Pt but didn't have anything for near hurricane strength . I see trial island was 66 knots at 1pm, I was thinking at the time it has to be 60+, maybe 70 when I was at Clover. These shots were later, after I had left to check out willows and then came back. Still was nuts and must have been 50+ and running out of daylight. Live to surf another day 3 commentsUnusuallyLargeRobin12/12/15 at 17:18UnusuallyLargeRobin: Didn't see any joggers for some reason
Ok, sweet, kite is still there...178 views3 commentswinddoctor12/11/15 at 23:38Atomic-Chomik: Exactly Eastside lol!
172 views2 commentsTsawwassen12/11/15 at 23:06Tsawwassen: It's actually a triple backie a...
Cguy in the fray148 views1 commentswinddoctor12/11/15 at 22:52JL: To be continued Saturday
172 views2 commentsTsawwassen12/11/15 at 21:59winddoctor: Is this the 2nd or 3rd rotation on your triple for...
Kus spinning right round, baby, right round!206 viewsTruly epic day!3 commentswinddoctor12/11/15 at 15:39JL: & all from a Guy who can't walk & brings...
Ok, sweet, kite is still there...178 views3 commentswinddoctor12/11/15 at 13:25abetanzo: loop it!!
Marty's entourage192 viewsJL doing a quick diaper check "Ok! Good to go!"2 commentswinddoctor12/10/15 at 22:39JL:
Cguy217 views3 commentswinddoctor12/10/15 at 21:47Snarfer: wow wow wow !
Marty schralp194 views2 commentswinddoctor12/10/15 at 21:02rocdoc: ATOMIC STOKE !!
Cguy217 views3 commentswinddoctor12/10/15 at 20:05winddoctor: Thanks, Snapper! One of the few with light!
Furry water166 views1 commentswinddoctor12/10/15 at 20:04snapper300: Man... the waves were amazing! I knew it... bu...
Marty's entourage192 viewsJL doing a quick diaper check "Ok! Good to go!"2 commentswinddoctor12/10/15 at 20:03eastside: It takes a village to fly a kiter.
Cguy217 views3 commentswinddoctor12/10/15 at 20:03snapper300: That is one fantastic shot Chris. Well done.
Ok, sweet, kite is still there...178 views3 commentswinddoctor12/10/15 at 20:02eastside: Oh shit, what's the kite doing?