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100_3380.JPG Nearly got it down165 views2 commentsjuandesooka08/06/15 at 22:43rocdoc: Credit to this guy for getting his kite out of the...
IMG_0646.jpg Photo by Max Shredroom http://www.boardheadinternational.com194 views3 commentsbwd08/06/15 at 18:22redbaron: Razz
Img_0123.jpg Oceanside OR144 views1 commentsbwd08/05/15 at 16:10winddoctor: I gave it one star 'cause I'm jealous, p...
20150624-MTZ_1402.jpg Sun's out, buns out.154 views5 commentswinddoctor08/05/15 at 11:22Sandy Beach: great caption Razz
Img_0134.jpg Cape: Photo by Jason Diffin219 views2 commentsbwd08/04/15 at 21:12nanmoo: Looks like you got conditions! Nice!
Img_0131.jpg BWD, Rain and Elliot at Flo Jetty. Photo by Udder.225 views1 commentsbwd08/04/15 at 14:17winddoctor: I'm totally taking my tuba down next time. Ca...
Img_0130.jpg Udder with Doily at Bette's213 views3 commentsbwd08/04/15 at 13:55KUS: it was nice to have hair Rolling Eyes like the very colo...
Img_0130.jpg Udder with Doily at Bette's213 views3 commentsbwd08/04/15 at 13:11shaggy: I can't get past the hair in this pic. I thin...
Img_0130.jpg Udder with Doily at Bette's213 views3 commentsbwd08/04/15 at 12:49GWIND: That's what LSD does to you! Surprised
Img_0134.jpg Cape: Photo by Jason Diffin219 views2 commentsbwd08/04/15 at 11:27firstonlastoff: Looking very comfy at the office!
102_3223.JPG 177 views1 commentsjuandesooka08/03/15 at 09:31JL: 10" of de-power Shocked
102_3163.JPG 71 views1 commentsjuandesooka08/03/15 at 09:26JL: Great shot Razz I think Darby would enjoy that .
IMG_3401.JPG wave-SUP DTL90 views1 commentsC3607/29/15 at 09:18eastside: Laughing
20150720_184440.png summer day at San pariel 255 views3 commentsrookieRyan07/27/15 at 18:31rookieRyan: Thanks sandy koko is a good photographer. Best d...
20150720_184440.png summer day at San pariel 255 views3 commentsrookieRyan07/27/15 at 16:15Sandy Beach: great pic! Smile flying without a boarding pass Very Happy
kites5a~0.jpg 216 views1 commentswiddb07/27/15 at 13:11tbrown: sweet shot, good light, good timing.
2015CookStJuly20-02.jpg 86 views1 commentsLarryP07/25/15 at 13:24ambientrax: LOL cook st... bet you could see your car from up ...
2015CookStJuly20-09.jpg 115 views1 commentsLarryP07/25/15 at 12:47gnarf: That board was white before I went into Ross bay!!
DSC_3148.JPG UFO at Cook St293 views4 commentsicurumba07/17/15 at 23:19Teabag: 14.5m Flite would have bring higher. (turns faste...
DSC_3148.JPG UFO at Cook St293 views4 commentsicurumba07/16/15 at 17:47JL: He carries a secondary chute Shocked & flippers ...
DSC_3148.JPG UFO at Cook St293 views4 commentsicurumba07/16/15 at 15:00ToesideT: Sick jump. Sick shot Icarumba
DSC_3148.JPG UFO at Cook St293 views4 commentsicurumba07/15/15 at 23:28dangerdane: It was just dropping Teabag off for his session......
IMG_1507.JPG Good for launch (Winddoctor at the rock)131 views2 commentsC3607/14/15 at 14:48bwd: Classic stock air, on a fun sized wave no less.
19290380846_c584eb3604_o.jpg C36 Photo90 views1 commentswinddoctor07/14/15 at 05:49KUS: Nice Smile A keeper Cool
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