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highfive.jpg 294 views6 commentswiddb06/03/15 at 19:25eastside: Cool
171703DSC00288.jpg 174 viewsGordos May 30, 20151 commentssnapper30006/02/15 at 18:51Fluffy: Speedy wahoo
IMG_1540.JPG 177 views1 commentsEazyas06/02/15 at 15:33firstonlastoff: THE Nitnat Lake selfie-stick.
G0277958.jpg 175 views3 commentsEazyas06/02/15 at 13:05KUS: Very cool shot and great activity Cool ropes long ...
Morleywindsurfselfie_28229~0.jpg boom cam selfie221 viewsscreen cap from gopro video3 commentsmore force 406/02/15 at 11:00Sandy Beach: you guys are hilarious Laughing
GOPR7918.jpg 167 views1 commentsEazyas06/02/15 at 08:32winddoctor: Whose hairy knees are those Shocked Laughing
Morleywindsurfselfie_28229~0.jpg boom cam selfie221 viewsscreen cap from gopro video3 commentsmore force 406/01/15 at 22:34Teabag: Would be so funny to have someone going by naked i...
G0277958.jpg 175 views3 commentsEazyas06/01/15 at 22:32Teabag: Nice Pic!!! Ethan you need to convince Trent to co...
G0277958.jpg 175 views3 commentsEazyas06/01/15 at 20:49JL: Cool
Morleywindsurfselfie_28229~0.jpg boom cam selfie221 viewsscreen cap from gopro video3 commentsmore force 406/01/15 at 17:32KUS: What Santa does during the summer months Idea
160446DSC09623.jpg 168 viewsGordos May 30, 20153 commentssnapper30006/01/15 at 08:00Bo: Looking good with a fog background Cool thanks!
MTZ_9932.jpg 294 viewsDan Charlesworth photo5 commentswinddoctor05/31/15 at 23:10Sandy Beach: Body dragging. Windsurf style Very Happy
162559DSC09899.jpg 191 viewsGordos May 30, 20152 commentssnapper30005/31/15 at 21:40snapper300: You are welcom again! Just make sure to click it ...
160446DSC09623.jpg 168 viewsGordos May 30, 20153 commentssnapper30005/31/15 at 21:38snapper300: Doesn't look real good on my screen... but i...
163625DSC00019.jpg 195 viewsGordos May 30, 20155 commentssnapper30005/31/15 at 21:36snapper300: You are very welcome Fransesco! It was good to me...
160446DSC09623.jpg 168 viewsGordos May 30, 20153 commentssnapper30005/31/15 at 21:16FrancescoSeacily: Great shot Very Happy
161942DSC09850.jpg 152 views1 commentssnapper30005/31/15 at 21:15FrancescoSeacily: That's Boris jumping with my board!! Laughing
162559DSC09899.jpg 191 viewsGordos May 30, 20152 commentssnapper30005/31/15 at 21:13FrancescoSeacily: Thank you again...great portrait!! Laughing
163625DSC00019.jpg 195 viewsGordos May 30, 20155 commentssnapper30005/31/15 at 21:11FrancescoSeacily: Thank you very much was a short but s...
163625DSC00019.jpg 195 viewsGordos May 30, 20155 commentssnapper30005/31/15 at 18:31snapper300: Gordons Wink Its a really long telephoto lens... ...
163625DSC00019.jpg 195 viewsGordos May 30, 20155 commentssnapper30005/31/15 at 15:44JL: Nitinaht perhaps ?
160834DSC09675.jpg WTF? 117 viewsGordos May 30, 20151 commentssnapper30005/31/15 at 15:39JL: Scotty on his foil
IMG_1218sm.jpg The gf learning at Nitnat80 views1 commentswinddude05/28/15 at 11:49jellyfish: Nice going Leah! Cool
Shark_kick.png Wind"Chuck Norris"doctor286 viewsSICK MOVE!!!! 4 commentsredbaron05/27/15 at 10:46bwd: Hmmm, it looks photoshopped to me. That log just d...
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