Read What's On in the News291 viewsLook what I found, almost same time of year. RIP JR4 commentsKUS03/26/17 at 11:12KUS: Yes indeed it is… And today about willows I stan...
Read What's On in the News291 viewsLook what I found, almost same time of year. RIP JR4 commentsKUS03/26/17 at 09:02Spike: Classic!!!!!!
Nico Surfing Kalama Beach Park.137 views3 commentsTsawwassen03/25/17 at 20:28KUS:
Read What's On in the News291 viewsLook what I found, almost same time of year. RIP JR4 commentsKUS03/25/17 at 08:43more force 4: If this is 98 that must be about the time they bot...
Read What's On in the News291 viewsLook what I found, almost same time of year. RIP JR4 commentsKUS03/24/17 at 09:09KUS: Dougwick: "I sailed with JR. Who was Grant W...
Nico Surfing Kalama Beach Park.137 views3 commentsTsawwassen03/23/17 at 00:09Tsawwassen: thanks Dave she was killin it that's all ...
Nico Surfing Kalama Beach Park.137 views3 commentsTsawwassen03/20/17 at 16:50downwind dave: that's some good style right there.
116 views1 commentsTsawwassen03/16/17 at 12:55KUS: Maaaagic You lucky fella
134 views1 commentsvoodmon03/06/17 at 19:11voodmon: Gorgeous Dallas Rd today, counted 15 kites at one ...
Emmanuelle and Larry334 viewsDec 28, 2016 Clover Point, Victoria - Session Buddies2 commentsSnarfer01/20/17 at 06:40Sandy Beach: home for the holidays, Emmanuelle? Kiting in Victo...
Emmanuelle and Larry334 viewsDec 28, 2016 Clover Point, Victoria - Session Buddies2 commentsSnarfer01/07/17 at 22:24Spike: Good Times!!!!