191 views1 commentsjellyfish11/12/24 at 14:25KUS: Ahh those lovely JR days w/Shaggy, romance pic
LB Big Monday- birthday waves- Photos by Banfieldave83 viewsFinally frontside in the lulls 2 commentsredbaron11/12/24 at 12:20C36: Great shots! Well done RB and BFD!
LB Big Monday- birthday waves- Photos by Banfieldave97 viewsSend-it!1 commentsredbaron11/07/24 at 14:18winddoctor:
LB Big Monday- birthday waves- Photos by Banfieldave83 viewsFinally frontside in the lulls 2 commentsredbaron11/07/24 at 10:36~~~~~4j~~: Very . Happy Birthday! Appreciate the photos!
LB Big Monday- birthday waves- Photos by Banfieldave110 viewsTurning 40 be like....2 commentsredbaron11/06/24 at 21:08bwd: Looks a bit windy. Very Cape-like.
Long Beach, April 2-2011227 views3 commentssnapper30010/30/24 at 18:50KUS: KA 3.7 sail in action, Chesterman’s or LB? Rainx s...
105 views25 photos in full album
https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBA9aN3 commentsTristanD10/06/24 at 07:59sixlinewrasse: Glad he had his helmet on!
105 views25 photos in full album
https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBA9aN3 commentsTristanD10/06/24 at 07:29KUS: Darwin Award Club magazine, but I guess we’ve all ...
105 views25 photos in full album
https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBA9aN3 commentsTristanD10/03/24 at 15:15west coast: Should be a magazine cover
Adrian heading out for a winter session124 views1 commentsdavey_k10/01/24 at 13:36KUS: Looks great couldn’t do it now I bet, tough p...
Hi wind rig393 viewsSuperlight!8 commentsKUS08/19/24 at 05:54DavidM: 20' power boat vs windsurfer waterstarting
Hi wind rig393 viewsSuperlight!8 commentsKUS08/18/24 at 08:07bakker: Looks like u tried a full send back loop!!… :shock...
98 views1 commentsshaggy07/23/24 at 12:51Bobson: One of these things ain't like the other!!
Winddoc Nitinaht July, 2024164 views4 commentswinddoctor07/17/24 at 13:10~~~~~4j~~:
Winddoc Nitinaht July, 2024164 views4 commentswinddoctor07/17/24 at 13:04winddoctor: Haha, takes some effort to hurl 200 lbs into the a...
Winddoc Nitinaht July, 2024164 views4 commentswinddoctor07/17/24 at 08:15Bobson: DOOD!!! This is quite impressive. The look on your...
Clover Point141 viewsJuly 15 20241 commentsTristanD07/16/24 at 18:12Murch: Thanks for sharing! That's me in the middle :...
Mr Frang airing over the section (landed it)434 views3 commentswinddoctor06/28/24 at 10:07gnarf: That was such a fun board! I just found it recentl...
Mr Frang airing over the section (landed it)434 views3 commentswinddoctor06/27/24 at 19:28TunaCan: Rad.
Windfest 2006 - Racers get ready for the horn - August 11, 2006396 views2 commentsmortontoemike06/21/24 at 20:00more force 4: I think that might be my old sailworks 7.0 with al...
Florence, Monday 6-29-09, Huge, 1.5+ mast KUS Owned the Early Session Outside - Crazy411 views5 commentsGeoffy06/15/24 at 07:14KUS: Ah yes, memories
RossBay4 June2024134 viewsRoss Bay in June 24' Pics by Nate -@24PointProductions1 commentsUnusuallyLargeRobin06/13/24 at 12:50Bobson: That is a GREAT picture and well above average Foi...