RB June 10, 2024 X4 Camera/back mount test88 views1 commentswinddoctor06/10/24 at 11:47~~~~~4j~~: Very cool perspective. That drone pilot must be gr...
Après-happy-new-year-wsurf covid-safe hot-tub w/ bubblies 2201 views3 commentsHiyoSilver03/08/24 at 10:06KUS: Best puddle sesh evaaaah
Acadia187 viewsTesting out the new camera at Acadia Beach3 commentsTsawwassen11/05/23 at 11:35winddoctor: Love it! Great shot!
lum184 views2 commentsjuandesooka10/28/23 at 12:30gnarf: President of the WCFA
Orca pied piper138 viewsBobson, is this your awesomeness on display?1 commentsHighrocker09/19/23 at 06:14Bobson: Yes, that is me. It looks pretty close but it wasn...
Jan21-12 Cook st.137 views2 commentssnapper30009/08/23 at 20:58Cam: Need some cormorant foot flappers to get ya going,
Emmanuelle revelling in the wind rain and sun298 viewsDec 28, 2018 Clover Point, Victoria1 commentsSnarfer09/08/23 at 06:43west coast: fantastic moment.
KGB Lunch at Arlington325 viewsSome people will eat anything :)4 commentsWindsurfish08/31/23 at 11:40Cam: And Jointly developed by the US Army & IBM. Rip D...
Old days at the Gorge,cruising in the deluxe motorhome,sigh!601 viewsThis shot really takes me back,Island Sails goes to the Gorge,Check out the custom sail with the 3 D graffic's.That's Joel the progressive board designer in the forground,me ,the animal with the ANIMAL.These boards really rocked,unbelievable upwind and downwind ability,to bad they are not bieng made anymore.2 commentsasscrack08/20/23 at 06:01west coast: days of innovation and cheap gas. what year is tha...
20190704.JPG149 viewsThe start of it all !! July 4, 20192 commentsUnusuallyLargeRobin08/15/23 at 22:12winddoctor: Just a kid with a wing and a dream...
Creative Johnny791 views2 commentsGareth08/15/23 at 18:33KUS: Miss ya dood
Sprinter effect on wind192 viewsKus almost has me convinced I need to buy a different van!4 commentsmore force 408/14/23 at 14:03west coast: Did this at Jericho beach once. Backwinded sail as...
298 views3 commentsogopogo08/12/23 at 20:42Teabag: Is this bear? Lots of people miss his presence at ...
Superdave I.V. Dec 23323 viewsOnly half way thru..... but I just had to upload this one now. 5 commentssnapper30007/08/23 at 10:45more force 4: must be 2010 from 1st comment time stamps
Superdave I.V. Dec 23323 viewsOnly half way thru..... but I just had to upload this one now. 5 commentssnapper30007/06/23 at 10:39west coast: What year?