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kite9.jpg 152 viewsPoohbearMay 07, 2008
kite10.jpg 182 viewsPoohbearMay 07, 2008
soul_kite1.jpg 165 viewsPoohbearMay 07, 2008
soul_kite2.jpg 159 viewsPoohbearMay 07, 2008
soul_kite5.jpg 157 viewsPoohbearMay 07, 2008
100_4825.JPG 221 viewsThere was another pocket of Kiter's around the corner to the north. SMACKApr 18, 2008
100_4829.JPG 187 viewsEdam, Netherland's 04/18/08SMACKApr 18, 2008
IMG_0529.jpg 218 views1 commentsarturoApr 17, 2008
P4103248.JPG Kook Lower Reef Slalom261 viewsMarathon playing with rocksKUSApr 16, 2008
Img_0881.jpg FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS712 views2 commentskitesickApr 12, 2008
a22~0.jpg LV BCS Nov 07224 viewscolinApr 11, 2008
P3280050.JPG Kite zone at El Yaque beach, Margarita260 viewsThis is the learning area! Frequent shuttles are available to kite beach about a half mile upwind from here.1 commentsrvanderbylApr 06, 2008
IMG_5515.JPG Alex catching some thermal273 viewsAugusta 30 knots,8 meter,and trying to fly into the only cloud in the sky.ACApr 06, 2008
233973644_img[1]_(2).jpg Doo Bad in the DR326 viewsD.R. 2007BonesApr 05, 2008
john_by_in_the_DR.JPG Johnny Doo Bad727 viewsJohnny up at the crack of dawn in the D.R. ,, moment of reflection- sent to me by Shelley Buchanan ,, thanks ShelleyBonesApr 04, 2008
revolver_7_m_006.JPG Johnny Doo Bad590 viewsJohnny checking out my new 7BonesApr 04, 2008
IMG_1300_(876_x_584).jpg The Man at the Lake, Windfest 07584 viewsadamApr 04, 2008
Johhny.jpg Creative Johnny791 views2 commentsGarethApr 04, 2008
BCJohnny_037.jpg JR570 views1 commentsTy1Apr 04, 2008
BCJohnny_078.jpg JR588 viewsTy1Apr 04, 2008
DR4.JPG JR Dominican 2004522 viewsTy1Apr 04, 2008
DR11.JPG JR Dominican 2004696 views1 commentsTy1Apr 04, 2008
John_John_2.jpg Johnny Doo Bad647 viewsJohnny catching some zzzz's on his latest trip to the Dominican Repupblic ,,,, just last month BonesApr 03, 2008
john_john_1.jpg Johnny Doo Bad733 viewsHere's an old one of Johnny with his favourite ,, Gorge Animal Bonser 7'6",,,,, still at cook ,,, that was his motorhome in the background to the right.. ,,taken about 1992, Island Sails was the name of his sail loft ,,, he had this board custom made in the Gorge with "Island" graphics on the bottom...that was when he lived on 10 mile point with Jose and Kevin.... long time ago... can see his logo on his motorhome door ,,, ,,, slim and trim in those days ,, 3 commentsBonesApr 03, 2008
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