Last additions
_MG_6001_Vic_Colin_BigDaves.jpg Colin at Dallas Road218 viewsWas shooting of the rocky point yesterday. Was pretty lonely until Colin and Dave came by to give me something to photograph. I am in Victoria another week and will come down to Cook Street when I can. Heavy gear and no car makes it somewhat difficult.

The photo looks better on my computer when I double click on it and it opens in a new window. I am still figuring out the correct photo sizing for this site. you can also find a larger version on my photo web page.

My photo web page can be found at Mysekai

In the top right corner of each gallery there is a button for slideshows
wdeonJul 28, 2006
_MG_5976_Vic_Colin2.jpg Colin at Dallas Road294 views Mysekai

In the top right corner of each gallery there is a button for slideshows
1 commentswdeonJul 28, 2006
Cookcam-4-1840.jpg Kook Skating193 viewsThis is the Skate Park from a distance. T'was fun :)Kite KookJul 28, 2006
CRW_2099eguchihama.jpg Eguchihama, Kagoshima, Japan189 viewsMysekai

In the top right corner of each gallery there is a button for slideshows
wdeonJul 28, 2006
streamimage.php~20.jpg 12m Diablo & 12M 'ONE'171 viewsJLJul 27, 2006
streamimage.php~19.jpg Big Wed.: 29@ Sher. 25-33 @ the beach.....201 views1 commentsJLJul 27, 2006
tobinsfirstsail.jpg Tobin's first sail (july 22)441 views3 commentsdownwind daveJul 25, 2006
IMGP0532.JPG Getting High at Cook street Part 4484 viewsextremekindness ErikJul 24, 2006
IMGP0533.JPG Getting High at Cook street Part 3439 viewsextremekindness ErikJul 24, 2006
IMGP0534.JPG Getting High at Cook street Part 2491 viewsextremekindness ErikJul 24, 2006
PICT0019.JPG OR product shot!414 viewsProps to the Dorado!

Still kicking and performing after all these years!

I love it.
extremekindness ErikJul 24, 2006
IMGP1099.JPG Random Act of Kindness Times 2!701 views1.Retrevial of a fallen glider
2.Cleaning Ocen Garbage!

Nice work!
1 commentsextremekindness ErikJul 24, 2006
IMGP1106.JPG Anyone care to tangle with this character?2116 views3.5 hours of line sorting later...

Sheesh. At least kiting teaches me patience.
1 commentsextremekindness ErikJul 24, 2006
FlorenceCam1.jpg Did BWD grow a mustach?262 viewsLooks like BWD is doing some Florence web cam maintenance...the coast is really aging you Dave maybe you should come home!1 commentsTheLawJul 23, 2006
Willowscam-0536.jpg Sunrise3062 viewsSunrise at Willows Beach (Mt. Baker on the right).Kite KookJul 21, 2006
sauna-July17-19,06-024_600ppi.jpg Larry,Niki,Chris,Mike&Dwayne1412
SpikeJul 19, 2006
lastscan.jpg Nitinat230 views2 commentslindsareenoJul 18, 2006
DSCF1271.JPG Jordan River98 viewslindsareenoJul 18, 2006
DSCF1538.JPG Gordon's beach 369 viewslindsareenoJul 18, 2006
DSCF1549.JPG Gordon's beach 276 viewslindsareenoJul 18, 2006
DSCF1564.JPG Gordon's beach64 viewslindsareenoJul 18, 2006
DSCF1586.JPG Sunset177 viewslindsareenoJul 18, 2006
DSCF1595.JPG Tugwell70 viewslindsareenoJul 18, 2006
streamimage.php~18.jpg Big turnout, 8 kites....240 viewsJLJul 15, 2006
18209 files on 759 page(s) 686