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9308-Nitinat-Windsurfing Regulars.jpg 1993 Nitinat Windsurfing Regulars1181 viewsThought this old picture might be of some interest !2 commentsVic EvansDec 06, 2005
IMG_1208~0.JPG Sunset ride, Manzanita, OR1011 views3 commentsGarethDec 06, 2005
IMG_1175~1.JPG Lookout, Manzanita, OR72 viewsGarethDec 06, 2005
IMG_1175~0.JPG 1171 views1 commentsGarethDec 06, 2005
IMG_1175.JPG lookout, Manzanita, OR60 viewsGarethDec 06, 2005
IMG_1208.JPG Sunset Ride, Manzanita, OR58 viewsGarethDec 06, 2005
IMG_1265.JPG R & R Manzanita, OR65 viewsGarethDec 06, 2005
IMG_1327.JPG Manzanita,OR844 views1 commentsGarethDec 06, 2005
dec2 Teignmth SE.jpg Force 6/7 SE at Teignmouth455 views3 commentsUKshredderDec 03, 2005
stikscrop.jpg dunkinguy and dwd comparing sticks one glassy am536 views3 commentsdownwind daveDec 02, 2005
NadsRailey.jpg Ultrakitegirl in the Gorge940 viewsNorth's latest North America team rider Nadina Kaminer rips it up in the Gorge.3 commentsultrakitegirlNov 27, 2005
P8250069_e.jpg Old days at the Gorge,cruising in the deluxe motorhome,sigh!596 viewsThis shot really takes me back,Island Sails goes to the Gorge,Check out the custom sail with the 3 D graffic's.That's Joel the progressive board designer in the forground,me ,the animal with the ANIMAL.These boards really rocked,unbelievable upwind and downwind ability,to bad they are not bieng made anymore.2 commentsasscrackNov 25, 2005
columbiacam-Nov152005-144629.jpg Sea lion?387 views~~~~~4j~~Nov 15, 2005
streamimage.php17.jpg 121 viewsJLNov 14, 2005
streamimage.php19.jpg 99 viewsJLNov 14, 2005
streamimage.php21.jpg 97 viewsJLNov 14, 2005
streamimage.php23.jpg 101 views1 commentsJLNov 14, 2005
streamimage.php27.jpg watch in series to observe moon trajectory.100 viewsJLNov 14, 2005
tugwellcam.jpg Dave has fitted a Hubble - lens to the Gordo's cam.313 viewsGordo's Hubble - Cam2 commentswinddoctorNov 13, 2005
morleyNov12_1.jpg November evening sail117 viewsS-turns to catch wavesmore force 4Nov 13, 2005
morleyNov12_3.jpg November evening sail82 viewspowered 7.5more force 4Nov 13, 2005
morleyNov12_6.jpg November evening sail78 viewsmf4 all by his lonesomemore force 4Nov 13, 2005
Image of cheeseus.jpg Veveta Cheesus1544 viewsBrainchild of Simon."Praise Cheesus"!Glory ,Halalooyah!1 commentsasscrackNov 12, 2005
IVcam-Nov122005-122752.jpg Light Wind Kiting108 viewsSomone out at IV2 commentsKite KookNov 12, 2005
18209 files on 759 page(s) 707