Bid on the Original One of a Kind BWD MUG!329 viewsOriginal Authentic ... one only...... BWD London Drug Mug.... don't miss your chance to bid on what will surely become a collector's item!!!
This fine quality mug designed by local artist, BA, comes complete with original BWD logo on the opposing side.jellyfish
Full CB House, with the shortest session world record holder :)329 views"I got wet"KUS
winddoc backloop 2328 viewsPhoto by Pete Caljouw (Thanks!)winddoctor
This pretty much sums up our summer!327 views3 commentswinddoctor
W'fish and J'Fish at The Wall - August 26, 2010327 views2 commentsmortontoemike
Mortontoe Mike - Last weekend of the Nat season326 viewsAn early start, a late night, and several bottles of wine later....more force 4
Swollen Watson322 viewsLike a charging bull.asscrack
Columbia Beach September 25th 2010322 viewsSome images of the Windsurfers at Columbia Beach in Parksville. See the full-sized images on my Vancouver Island Photography Website3 commentsbradpowellphoto