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1239688557_xp7NT-XL5B15D.jpg Long Beach, April 2-2011307 views8 commentssnapper300
Nitinaht2-July2006.jpg "Landy looked over his left shoulder to gauge Bannister's position, and Bannister burst past Landy on the right"304 viewsmortontoemike
P1010074.JPG BWD at Arlington303 views1 commentsbean
DSC_0917.JPG Kevin surveying the channel....wherever that is303 viewsI got out luckily and stayed there while the boyz has some tough times in the rinse cycle, wicked current, you couldn't even stand waist deepKUS
PC252085.JPG RainX Connoisseur- Kus' Alaska IPA302 viewsCheck the label, folks, ha! Wicked IV Day!!KUS
mf4july08.jpg MF4 powers through302 views4.5 jibe, Nitinat July 2008, photo Matt Simmons2 commentsmore force 4
2010-04-02_11_46_26.jpg windsurfing version of snuggly301 views2 commentsRussian Dood
P1040090.JPG ESE day at SP301 viewsThe end of one of the great spring/summer ESE days at SP. Nice to see a few windsurfers among the many kiters show up to share the wind. Bring on the stormy summer weather please!4 commentsrvanderbyl
raeside_windstorm7.JPG another raeside300 viewsI think this came out just after Kus' front page jump; I just found it.3 commentsmore force 4
Pat_-_use_the_straps,_they_re_not_only_for_sex.jpg Use the straps Jellyfish, they're not only for sex, you know! Monday, Florence, YES - While it was still big!300 views2 commentsGeoffy
Oregon~0.jpg A.M. Oregon Coast cam300 viewsAnother big day for the BWD wave tour.JL
Extreme.jpg Extreme!300 views2 commentsTsawwassen
IMG_0601s.jpg 299 views~~~~~4j~~
P2107387_small.jpg Shags creamin' in on his 4.0 & micro board299 viewsKUS
daymerbay_003.jpg 298 views3 commentsUKshredder
PC010005.JPG Kuz at willows298 viewsAll by his lonesomeasscrack
IMG_5560Bear_reaved.jpg 298 views3 commentsogopogo
MTZ_9932.jpg 298 viewsDan Charlesworth photo5 commentswinddoctor
Cameron_lake.gif Qualicum winds roar through the gap here.297 views1 commentsJL
P8030316.JPG Loop landing297 viewsNice boots Jeffrvanderbyl
PC150018.JPG Charging the waves297 viewsGusting over 40 knots,only a few brave hearts challenging the waves.0 degrees in the wind chill.asscrack
april_08_276-1.JPG 297 viewsTeignmouth - Day 2
3 commentsUKshredder
end_of_August2008_084.JPG around the campfire pre-Fireball297 viewsSandy Beach
Oct_08_064.JPG ripping at Pat Bay297 views1 commentsSandy Beach
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