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Most viewed - Windsurfing
0507-Nit-E-Lessons 2.jpg Nitinat July 2005548 viewsVic Evans
IV Nov 2006.jpg BWD is having a blast at IV. Nov 2006545 views2 commentsRussian Dood
image002.jpg Cont'd539 views2 commentsJL
teignmouth5.0 Oct 29.jpg Teignmouth, South Devon536 viewsClassic day at my most local break. Never more than three people sail there...and wave is usually logo out back ! It was a great session, although aplogies for limited quality. Just wanted to put something down for this much underated place.UKshredder
stikscrop.jpg dunkinguy and dwd comparing sticks one glassy am536 views3 commentsdownwind dave
Dunkin Smack 2 RT.jpg 534 views1 commentswinddoctor
Dunkin Smack 3 RT.jpg 532 views2 commentswinddoctor
P9010025.JPG Cheese eating bear531 viewsWhat type of people bring 2 family size bricks of cheese, a six pac of yogurt and a box of cheese strings camping with them? 3 commentsrvanderbyl
06-06-06_1717.jpg Grandpa Arty... Swim suit edition529 viewsThat would make a perfect BWD calendar cover.Russian Dood
P7050008.JPG Loopin Dunkinguy528 viewsPic by R Vanderbyl3 commentsrvanderbyl
BWD_HorseCampLook.JPG BWD524 views7 commentsTheLaw
PA156752.JPG CB516 viewsAxleporker
Howard Table Top 2.jpg Saunton Sands, North Devon514 viewsUKshredder
kamloops news.jpg Blast from the past510 viewsAnne was cleaning out some stuff and found this. This was 22 years ago! I was already 30! Chest harnesses, baggy sails, but new enough to get on the front page. 5 commentsmore force 4
0606-Nit-Vic,Pat,Andrey,Bryan,Claudia,Chris,Rick,Mike,Peter-min~0.jpg Fireside Group510 viewsVic,Pat,Andrey,Bryan,Claudia,Chris,Rick.Mike,Peter1 commentsVic Evans
_DSC6647-Edit.jpg Gone With the Wind510 views6 commentsBluegiraffe
HPIM0924.JPG New Years 2006 @ I-view500 viewsJL
GetAttachment-6_aspx.jpeg Winddoc endo497 viewsPhoto by Pete Caljouw (Thanks!)6 commentswinddoctor
P1020204.JPG Windfest 2006 Doods486 views2 commentsmortontoemike
Pete_at_Klover.jpg Pete - TC shot by Debra Brash481 viewsKlover3 commentsKUS
P7195760.JPG Hoser, HBD chillin' ...ah, cooking...at Dougs478 views2 commentsKUS
P1020236.JPG Windfest 2006 - Spectators and Race Officials enjoy the racing - August 11, 2006475 viewsmortontoemike
P1000914_kus_N~0.JPG Crawling outta da hole475 views1 commentsKUS
Cook_st_reefs_good_not_a_kelp_bed.jpg This is not a kelp bed470 viewsAerial photograph of Cook Street and its Board/Fin/Sail/Kite eating reefs.

Zoom in and click '2005 Colour Orthophoto'
1 commentsBigD
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