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Most viewed - Windsurfing
P7195757.JPG Nearsighted Dave423 viewsKUS
P9010022.JPG Scouting the area for campers with lot's of dairy products.423 viewsAnd I thought bears liked nuts and honey?1 commentsrvanderbyl
P8060030.JPG Nice jump by Tom422 viewsPic by R Vanderbyl1 commentsrvanderbyl
IMG_5481.jpg Cook is a nutbar.....oh, and quite fast ;)420 views6 commentsKUS
P2072496.JPG Gramma's Candle Party417 viewsJR Aftermath - Pete, RainX, HBD in Kus' beachcabinKUS
Image009.jpg Big Day At The Point415 viewsWaves rooling in,blowing 40 at times.asscrack
Bill.JPG Bill Playing Games At Nitinat413 viewsStarboard Steve
P8060036.JPG Tweezer?413 viewsPic by R Vanderbyl1 commentsrvanderbyl
P7100017.JPG Could this be San Pareil?413 viewsThose are waves!? And they were everywhere. There was 50' or more between and glassy smooth faces.6 commentsrvanderbyl
Markus Nose Aug 7 2006 excerpt 2.jpg Kus Snozz412 viewsApparently the dark lines are not a good thing so I can't sail til......Friday? thx (sailor) Doc Taylor, I appreciate the pic & prognosis ;)1 commentsKUS
Marcus_-_leetle_set_Flo_6-09~0.jpg Florence, Monday 6-29-09, Huge, 1.5+ mast KUS Owned the Early Session Outside - Crazy411 views5 commentsGeoffy
DSC00982.jpg DWD throwing a Shuvit ...410 views6 commentsmortontoemike
0509-Nit-E-Naiomi,Marcus,Pat,Louise,Tom,Rick.jpg 0509-Nit-Naomi,Markus,Pat,Louise,Tom,Rick407 viewsVic Evans
0509-Nit-E-Rick,Pat,John,Naiomi,-,-,Mike.jpg 0509-Nit-Rick,Pat,John,Naiomi,-,-,Mike406 views3 commentsVic Evans
chrisc.jpg Teignmouth, South Devon.402 viewsOct 29th - Southerly Force 5. UKshredder
P1000138.JPG CB Back401 viewsrvanderbyl
manydudes.JPG Many dudes at Kook399 views2 commentscolin
brand new.JPG bean Jr. II - future looper399 views2 commentsbean
me_raeside.jpg Raeside cartoon from last weekend398 viewsI think my CBC interview on behalf of BWD website inspired this one!4 commentsmore force 4
P2072490.JPG Peter riding hard....a bit too hard398 viewsYet another JP bites the dust :0KUS
P7160346.JPG A rare Tim Wood appearence at Nit nat!397 viewsPic By R Vanderbyl1 commentsrvanderbyl
0509-Nit-E-Lake scene.jpg 0509-Nit-Pat, beach scene396 views1 commentsVic Evans
P1020229.JPG Windfest 2006 - Racers get ready for the horn - August 11, 2006396 views2 commentsmortontoemike
DSC_2500.JPG BWD and his groupies394 views9 commentsBA
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