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Most viewed - Kiteboarding
PICT0133.JPG philippines383 viewsand again..3 commentsGlobe
PC252083.JPG Marathon at play382 viewsKUS
P1040022.JPG Nice381 viewsPeeling waves1 commentsasscrack
Image006.jpg Beauty afternoon380 viewsRippin south east,Surf and sun.1 commentsasscrack
IMG_2377.jpg 380 views1 commentscolin
untitled~11.jpg 380 viewsThis photo, to the keen observer, has 3 things that indicate how windy it was today. 1. The Posse. Erik walked his 3M to the water with an entourage waiting for the slightest hint of sh$t hitting the fan. 2. Look at Erik's eyes. Kid in candy store at Christmas-type eyes. 3. The dog's hind legs are blowing up off the ground and his tail indicates 43 gusting 52 😂1 commentswinddoctor
P1030843.JPG Nit Nat bear379 viewsbear hanging around the campground2 commentssherry
P8222062.jpg 377 viewsI dont really know who this is:)AC
425.JPG Agate Dec. 6, 2009375 views1 commentsjellyfish
AEBE3D1A-77CF-43E3-94D2-EA036F0770FB.jpeg For Ransom:)375 viewsWhen you find a board that belongs to an epic kiter (Larry)...naturally you hold it for ransom😜😜🤗2 commentswired4adrenaline
PC150037.JPG Richard going on a 4 meter374 viewsInsane winds huge waves,Richard was enjoying himself,on a four meter.1 commentsasscrack
081.JPG strolling the beach in Cabarete372 views1 commentsskiendhiu
image.jpg WIFI at Nitinaht370 viewsFinally WIFI at the Nath. Signal not super strong, but enough to load forcast pages. Some of us were even able to place 2 attacks in Clash of Clans. Tks Pat for making it happen.6 commentsTeabag
IMG_3542RyanplayingHURT.jpg 369 viewsogopogo
426.JPG Getting ready for some extreme kiting!369 viewsCammie, Kus and Grant1 commentsjellyfish
IMG_1831Dianne.jpg 368 viewsogopogo
DSC_8621.JPG Nov 2 westcoast367 viewspasta action,...4 commentsicurumba
P8090015.JPG Colin going off366 viewsMy shot of Colin going for a back roll with a kite loop thrown in.asscrack
IMG_9955RyanbikingtoCook.jpg 366 views3 commentsogopogo
KitingJune13_2008_132_resize.jpg 365 viewsCrow
IMGP0247.jpg 364 viewswullis
fire1.JPG Nitnat 09362 viewsa return to wonderful Nitnat 20091 commentsPaul
IV_-_Joe_co-pilot.JPG Joe - co-piloting361 viewsThanks, Grant for the 'arm holding' method. Worked well.Sandy Beach
IMG_8913BilltorescueSep23.jpg 361 views2 commentsogopogo
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