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Most viewed - Kiteboarding
Johhny.jpg Creative Johnny791 views2 commentsGareth
kiting 480~0.jpg Mark V sliding the lines784 views3 commentsRidelikehell
Picture 001.jpg 769 viewsYour on My BeACH"""AC
P1010003.JPG 2007 Kendra and Gareth767 viewsUnzip me baby.asscrack
normal__MG_6183_Kite_BWD.jpg "Now that's what I'm talking about"!759 viewsKook givin me the lift I need.1 commentsasscrack
P3090001.JPG The Watsons758 viewsSmiling faces of Grant Cammie and Franky.1 commentsasscrack
P3080006.JPG Marla at Kite beach747 viewsMarla,waiting for the wind to come up.Kite boarding rules....4 commentsasscrack
john_john_1.jpg Johnny Doo Bad733 viewsHere's an old one of Johnny with his favourite ,, Gorge Animal Bonser 7'6",,,,, still at cook ,,, that was his motorhome in the background to the right.. ,,taken about 1992, Island Sails was the name of his sail loft ,,, he had this board custom made in the Gorge with "Island" graphics on the bottom...that was when he lived on 10 mile point with Jose and Kevin.... long time ago... can see his logo on his motorhome door ,,, ,,, slim and trim in those days ,, 3 commentsBones
john_by_in_the_DR.JPG Johnny Doo Bad727 viewsJohnny up at the crack of dawn in the D.R. ,, moment of reflection- sent to me by Shelley Buchanan ,, thanks ShelleyBones
IMG_0683.JPG is that Gariboldi?724 views1 commentsx3
June_July_2007_012.jpg Off the Lip by Watson723 views1 commentsGrant Watson
pat2.jpg slow ride719 viewsnitnaht Pat
PC240006.JPG Christmas Day and the waves are getting eaten up.712 viewsSuper Dave,Just keeps going,and going,so what if the wind chill is below zero,and wind is howling.asscrack
Img_0881.jpg FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS711 views2 commentskitesick
P1012130.JPG My last beer with Johnny - Kiterboyz in the Kusschine, Willows, January 2008708 viewsRest in Peace my old friend! I will miss you on the water....1 commentsKUS
Geoff.jpg 707 viewsTyler Adams
tony_s inuit collection 051.jpg Butch at his best705 viewsLooking good Butch.asscrack
June_July_2007_011.jpg Off the Lip by Watson705 viewsActually, this was a secondary reaction to a bug bite.....3 commentsGrant Watson
summer_2005_#2_009.jpg Strongkiteboarding pics705 viewsJordan testing his ballance2 commentsAC
IMGP1099.JPG Random Act of Kindness Times 2!702 views1.Retrevial of a fallen glider
2.Cleaning Ocen Garbage!

Nice work!
1 commentsextremekindness Erik
Nimp CG.jpg 697 viewsmortontoemike
DR11.JPG JR Dominican 2004696 views1 commentsTy1
93.jpg robin the little midget695 viewsceralvo islan baja east capemarseille
Kiteastrafie.jpg 689 viewsFound this one www.hanglos.nl
I could'nt even imagine.
1 commentsSMACK
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