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Most viewed - Kiteboarding
P1020252.JPG Windfest 2006 - "Spirit in the Sky"685 views1 commentsmortontoemike
P8270290~0.JPG Gmac682 views1 commentsRidelikehell
37085.jpg This poor guy is working while we enjoy the s.e. @ home !!!677 views3 commentsJL
P1010002_edited.JPG 2007 Kendra and Chris667 viewsWind Was Lightening,cool day in 2007,wind was unsteady but do able.asscrack
P1010001.JPG 2007 Grant "The Mac Machine"!665 views"What do mean, to cold"!Can you give me a launch.asscrack
DSC_00060001.JPG 663 viewsGo JeffToner
IMG_3583.JPG Kite Launch-JR662 viewsGareth
P1110018.JPG Snow crystal wave662 viewsSecret spot in Victoria where there is a snow crystal wave.3 commentsasscrack
headed_for_beach_2.JPG The swimmer651 viewsAndy doing a self rescue,yesterday he tore kite number two in half in the waves.....wants to borrow my kite...no chance....1 commentsasscrack
Spear fishing expedition.JPG The hunt648 viewsNo wind so,I went out with the Domincans to test out my new camera underwater,"WoW' works well but you have to get close.I was scaring the fish away.Still,they caught lot'sasscrack
John_John_2.jpg Johnny Doo Bad647 viewsJohnny catching some zzzz's on his latest trip to the Dominican Repupblic ,,,, just last month Bones
Johny_in_the_sky.jpg John smiling down on us644 viewsJohn 'hanging' in his favourite spot. You can almost hear his laugh...Kite Kook
sunrise trips end Dominicana 001.jpg Sunrise at kite beach642 viewsTrips end,last sunrise in Paradise.asscrack
P9221334.JPG Kook Street fixtures: the stairs, the reef and kelp, Johnny with a smile642 viewsHe was a friendly local windsurfer when I arrived on my first day at Kook 12 years ago, a coaching kiter buddy on my first kiting day at IV....happy, smiling, cheering us all on. Go big Johnny, go big!! KUS
DSC_0415.jpg Dave again629 views2 commentsicurumba
DSC_0433.jpg IV Today628 viewsJust windy enough for John!1 commentsicurumba
IMG_1198.JPG 625 views1 commentsPoohbear
DSC_0043.JPG Nitinat623 viewsLooking from the dark side!Toner
IMG_7974GriffinwatchingDaddy.jpg 622 views1 commentsogopogo
treerush_July26-28,06-027.jpg 618 views[url=http://www.spikephoto.ca/]Spikephoto[/urlSpike
Dallas_Rd-Clover_Point-1108.jpg Sunset Rider615 viewsA perfect evening for Kiteboarding and photography. 2 commentschartsky
IMG_3588.JPG Tyler(Vancouver)-JR613 viewsGareth
P1020179.JPG Windfest 2006 - Kite Ranchers at Work612 viewsmortontoemike
Windfest 2006 001.jpg Windfest '06607 viewsTactile
2965 files on 124 page(s) 5