Home > Top Webcam Pictures > Pipers Lagoon Webcam
Most viewed - Pipers Lagoon Webcam
Piperscam-6-1230.jpg First windsurfer caught on the Pipers Cam850 views3 commentsbwd
Piperscam-6-0845.jpg April 19, 2008 ?!??!?!?!?!553 views3 commentsbwd
Piperscam-Dec012007-134134.jpg Big Snow at Pipers529 viewsGramma Jo
pipers_Dave.jpg Indian Dog taking a deserved Break517 viewsYeah, you've been a good doggie! We'll get you some new wings!!KUS
Piperscam-0-Jun302009-105533.jpg 481 viewsNice wave, Gwind3 comments~~~~~4j~~
IMG_3653.JPG Hovercraft at Pipers402 viewssaulman
Piperscam-5-0653.jpg 397 viewsEarly bird gets the 30 knots. Beauty port ramps. 2 commentsObstreperous
IMG_3667.JPG Hovercraft at Pipers364 viewsHad a visit from the Coast Guard at Pipers. I guess there was an elderly lady on the beach with a medical situation during the bathtub race. Someone had a marine VHF and could see the hovercraft at five fingers so he called them in. They beat the ambulance by a good 10 minutes.

Sorry if this isn't the best place to put the photos. Let me know if there is a better spot.
1 commentssaulman
Piperscam-1-Sep122008-111831.jpg 360 viewsObstreperous
Piperscam-Nov032008-114305.jpg Attack of the giant spiders!357 viewsWe're all doomed!1 commentsjeamer
Piperscam-Feb262009-132931[1].jpg Spring Thaw/ View from the Igloo357 viewsjellyfish
hovercraft.jpg Pipers windshadow fix353 views"Just park that right on the beach sir and point those fans towards the lighthouse"nanmoo
Piperscam-Dec102007-081211.jpg Winter Sunrise349 viewsObstreperous
Piperscam-1.jpg Kiting! At Pipers. WTF!346 viewsYep! As soon as you tell someone not to kite at Pipers, this is what happens!2 commentsrvanderbyl
IMG_3664.JPG Hovercraft at Pipers332 viewssaulman
Piperscam-0-Jul012009-101031.jpg 329 viewsBob Enweave on Canada Day~~~~~4j~~
Piperscam-6-1306.jpg 326 viewsNot a solo kiting spot. Ride with a buddy!1 commentssnapper
Piperscam.jpg 319 views1 commentsdownwind dave
Piperscam-6-1336.jpg 317 viewsFirst windsurfer at Pipers this year?1 commentsObstreperous
IMG_3666.JPG Hovercraft at Pipers307 viewssaulman
Piperscam-7-May232008-133241.jpg 292 viewsWindsurfer taking advantage of the 'Ricker's wake (very small)1 commentsObstreperous
Piperscam-6-May232008-133222.jpg 288 viewsW. E. RickerObstreperous
Piperscam-Sep122008-111938.jpg 281 viewsObstreperous
Piperscam-3-May222008-181554.jpg 275 viewsSunny evening session. NiceObstreperous
33 files on 2 page(s) 1