Log Started: Friday December 2, 2022
Total Records: 266
This Year: 122
Saturday January 21, 2023
Pipers Lgn, Wingfoiling
Saturday January 21, 2023
Toys Used:
Pipers Lgn, Wingfoiling
ESE 10 - 16 1-2' swell
2.00 hours
Quatro Wing Drifter 115l Cabrina Mantis 6.2 Duotone Slick 5.0 Fanatic Foil AERO HA 1750 cm2 Fanatic Foil AERO Free 1200 cm2
Rain doused my stoke!
10:30 16kts reported for Entrance island, 14kts in the bay with an apparent wind line at Clark Rk. Rigged 5m and 1200cm. That should do? Adequately powered for about an hour then much more work needed to stay on foil. Back in to warm up the hands and upsize wing and foil. Good for another hour working the small swell by the reef. A small herd of sea lions sharing the bay without too much grumble. Slogged back in under heavy rain for the closing lull.
Spring's coming!