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sale of jordon river properties

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:20 pm
by Sandy Beach
Dave, thanks for the update of this issue and adding the contact link for protesting/petitioning it.

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:12 am
by JL

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:53 pm
by JL
To: ,,, ,,, ,,, ,, ,, ,
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 20:31:41 -0800
Subject: Jordan River up for sale

Dear Jamie Biggar, Geoff Young, Barry Penner, Keith Martin, John Horgan, Kevin Krueger, Shirley Bond, Pat Bell, Gordon Campbell, Carole James, Michaëlle Jean, Jim Pentice; Lesley Neilson, Murray Langdon, Judith Lavoie and Arnie Campbell -

As a Canadian Citizen and a Resident of Shirley , I am very proud of the Jordan River area. This is a spectacular legacy to keep behind for generations to come & would make a great addition to the Juan de Fuca Trail

We are all in one small world. I don't want to believe that there would be no chance to come together and combine funds to make it happen and turn this jewel of nature into a park. The Juan de Fuca Trail - forever .... ( JR2 35 acres $1,750,000 ) Specifically the waterfront parcel East of the bridge inclusive of the current campsite.

The Jordan River campsite is used intensively by surfers/windsurfers, kayakers, campers, RV users, hikers and birdwatchers.
Small fishing boats can be launched into the river as well.
The campsite is also used as a picnic and ocean viewing area by tourists and the local community.
It is also an excellent tourist view/picnic stop on the Pacific Marine Circle Route.

In particular, the surfing conditions are at times "world class" and hundreds of surfers may use the site on good days.
The adjacent seabed has in the past been designated as a provincial park reserve to protect the surfbreak.

As you are no doubt aware, the campsite is included in the WFP lands for sale.
I strongly endorse the acquisition of this property through negotiation with the forestry company and available government or other funds. The Juan de Fuca Trail was created as a Commonwealth game legacy, why not gain Jordan River as a Olympic game legacy?

Sincerely yours,


Jordon River properties

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 8:04 am
by Sandy Beach
When we first moved to Vancouver Island many moons ago (before we had a home/address, and after pasta kicked us out of his house), we lived in our van at Jordon River campground and ate at Shakey's. Amazing, magical land.

Thank-you Uta via JL for the eloquent letter. I suggest we use it as a petition. I'm sure we can get many signatures to help save the precious land around Jordon River. This is an extremely important issue that affects generations to come.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:50 am
by rocdoc
Ya, I have some great memories of JR too - at least the ones I can remember!

Remember when Shakey (Les Wade) and his wife started the take-out in the mid-80's. Shakey wouldn't take any attitude from city people, especially if they objected to being served coffee in a styrofoam cup and wanted coffee in their personal mug. You got your coffee in a styrofoam cup, whether you liked it or not! :D :D :D

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:58 am
by rocdoc
BTW, UTA's letter looked familiar when I read it. Mostly the form letter I submitted to this thread back in 2007 (see Page 3, Sept 24 2007 @ 4:45).
And thats great. Hope the government(s) buy some of this land for the general public use, because once its gone private its gone! :cry: :(

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:13 pm
by JL
Thanks Rocdoc ... You too Sandy ... 8) p.s. Uta's letter to the editor was published in the Colonist Sat. Feb. 13 ...

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:19 pm
by JL
I recently had a meeting with MLA John Horgan, CRD Regional Director Mike Hicks, and Chief Planes from T’Sou-ke First Nation along with Chief Chipps from Beecher Bay. We have come together as a group to show there is commonality and common purpose between non-First Nations and First Nations communities, as well as across 3 levels of government. I believe that there are many ways in which the Western Forest Products (WFP) lands can be utilized to integrate preservation, protection of sensitive ecosystems, and sustainable utilization of the land with a small environmental footprint, but in a fashion that creates jobs and a sustainable economy. This is necessary for the communities that live in and around this region and will enable large tracts of these lands to be protected. The University of British Columbia has a very innovative plan to essentially use these lands as an experimental forest, where low impact logging can be conducted and for other uses such as (what I am advocating for) ethno-cultural and ecotourism opportunities.

Now we are trying to get the two senior levels of government to sit down with the local players so that we can cooperate and work together to provide a long term legacy for these lands instead of simply selling them off for development. I am working hard on this and with the local leaders who have been wonderful in the cooperation that they have shown to work together to develop a more enlightened vision for these lands.



Dr. Keith Martin, MP
Esquimalt – Juan de Fuca
Office: 250.474.6505 | Fax: 250.474.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:10 pm
by KUS
yeah, love the idea of donating private money and begging for govt money buying the original provincial lands back that were designated for timber harvesting/silviculture but given away in backroom deals then and again last year.....but hey, those Olympics, a fabulous two weeks. Kinda like spending your multi-generational inheritance on a weekend bender........

But of course, as our fearless leader said, "we have made many good contacts internationally". Maybe they will come back .... and buy more of our underpriced lands and resources. Was the green party really such a bad option :?: Maybe the MEC board should start a political party ....

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:41 pm
by nanmoo
KUS wrote:.....but hey, those Olympics, a fabulous two weeks. Kinda like spending your multi-generational inheritance on a weekend bender........
I think this is the best thing you have ever written on this forum.
KUS wrote:Maybe the MEC board should start a political party ....
No way! Those crooks make you buy a membership even if you just want to buy someone a gift card and FORCE them to spend money there! Garbage!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:12 am
by KUS
nanmoo wrote:
KUS wrote:.....but hey, those Olympics, a fabulous two weeks. Kinda like spending your multi-generational inheritance on a weekend bender........
I think this is the best thing you have ever written on this forum.
KUS wrote:Maybe the MEC board should start a political party ....
No way! Those crooks make you buy a membership even if you just want to buy someone a gift card and FORCE them to spend money there! Garbage!
:lol: unlike Costco, eh? Yes, I still resist those guys, annually too, at least MEC's lifetime one is required to show they are a Co-Op but they let u use anyone's number, try mine to save the five bucks 8)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:33 pm
by JL
Interesting comments but it sure would be great to have some support in pushing to have some of these waterfront areas added to the Juan de Fuca trail !!! 8)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:08 pm
by KUS
JL wrote:Interesting comments but it sure would be great to have some support in pushing to have some of these waterfront areas added to the Juan de Fuca trail !!! 8)
not the most eloquent but it may have to do, copied to your contacts list above, JL, thx (tho Delivery to the following recipients failed. For ; it is ) :

"Good afternoon- I would like to add my voice of concern in regard to the proposed private sale of the lands along our West Coast waterfront and timberlands in that area. I don't think I need to revisit a description or significant details regarding these amazing areas which must become part of the BC and/or Federal Parks.

I appreciate the constant pressures on current and past governments to make budgets last, satisfy the literally millions of requests and concerns and priorize activities and issues that are brought to your collective attention. However, we are talking about a thing of legacy here, a multigenerational inheritance of responsibility over some of our highest profile lands that MUST not be neglected or fall into private control.

I appreciate your efforts in finding a solution to this problem, even if it succeeds in merely bargaining for extra time to permit fund raising through the private sector that reaches beyond the extremely tight timelines of March 8, 2010!

There are many, many people counting on this to succeed....not very many take the time or effort to write letters or emails. Please don't underestimate the significance of how government and those copied are perceived on how this issue is handled and concluded: We are counting on you.

With great faith in the powers that be to do the right thing and respectfully yours,

Markus Koloska and family
Victoria, BC"

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:47 pm
by JL
Nice work Kus: Could you pass that on to: ? 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:26 pm
by KUS
JL wrote:Nice work Kus: Could you pass that on to: ? 8)
indeed it was. Interestingly I received three automated responses from Ministries, two written ones from others (one from Carol James' office of the NDP) and a request from the Times Colonist to use the wording by their editor to promote the issue. I'm amazed to get any response at all so perhaps they are not innundated with people writing in..... :roll: