VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • The Future of the BWD Website Depends on You - Page 10
Page 10 of 20

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:06 pm
by bwd
Thank you Markus (Kus) for the website donation 8)


Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:19 pm
by bwd
It's been a while since updating...but big thanks to the following for their donations:

Lorne Parker (lorneparker1)
Tyler Weir
Norman Ninatti
Joost Buijs (Joostio)
Jesse Cohen (Redbaron)
Joe & Christina Barlow (Joe & Speedy)
Rees Andrew (Kez)


Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:39 pm
by bwd
Thank you MartyD for your website donation!


Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:32 pm
by bwd
Thank you for the website donations:
Dennis Zozula
Mike Teachman (Morewind)
Mary&Steven Veerman
Faith&Bud Stanley
Jim Laite (JL)
Ian Gastonguay (Teabag)


Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 7:11 pm
by bwd
Thank you:

Adrian Betanzo (abetanzo)
Geoff Wood (Geoffy)
John Falconer (banjohips)
Anthony Warren (Keen)

for the website donations!

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:36 pm
by bwd
Thank you for the website donations:

Greg Caws (Snarfer)
Luke Acker (Skywalker)
Betty Ann Knappett (BA)
Douglas Wickstrom (dougwick)
Pete Robertson (Shaggy)
Dave Bergman (downwind dave)
Gabor Kiss (gabe)
Total raised for 2013: $6217 8)
For 2014:
Chris & Janet Poisson
Morley Eldridge (MoreForce4)

Thanks everyone! Happy New Year.


Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:30 am
by Wavos Rancheros
Just curious Dave,
If it were possible to break down the usage of the site in terms of regular users, and sometime or casual users, measured in terms of the overall costs. If, say, it were 50/50, then that could be used to determine two fundraising goals in their different respects. One, to see that regular users are donating enough to meet their usage, and two, to target the casual users with a fund initiative which will meet their eyes when they come to the site. Just thinking out loud, any thoughts, or have you gone over this idea previously?

Personally, I am somewhere in between regular and casual, and sometimes away altogether. I never really know if I'm giving enough...


Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:51 am
by KUS
Wavos Rancheros wrote:see that regular users are donating enough to meet their usage, and two, to target the casual users with a fund initiative
I get the sense there is still no appetite for charging anyone.

On the other hand if regular users ALL individually gave $10-20 a year I don't think there would be a funding issue and freeloading or occasional lurkers could be ignored :idea: Perhaps I am overestimating the regular users but I would guess there are thousands. Just paid my $20 see how far that goes :arrow:

Personally I feel that since we are now paying the MM5 guys a fee, we could have a 2 or 3 tier access going on. Something like:
Basic, (free), add MM5 and latest reports table ($10 or find it yourself online), $25 for added cam access. Problem I guess would be managing the user access, more work for the webmasters :roll:

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:33 pm
by bwd
Yeah sorry I didn't answer - money/fundraising talk makes me sleepy. I should be more interested in it I know...but it's the part of the job I hate. I know that with the sponsors and donations I have enough to pay the internet bills for the webcams and to buy some new cam/weather stations (the Willows camera is new). I think over the next few years some of the webcams will need replacing.

I know it sucks that a small few do most of the donating, and I'm not sure how to change that. I think things are improving a bit. I really appreciate everyone that donates or contributes with sailing logs.

As for charging for access...well it is one of those things that is way easier to suggest than actually implement :) Actually it wouldn't be too hard to do, but I couldn't imagine the complaints/emails I'd get if something stopped working and people were paying for it. No thanks.

We do need some more sponsors if anyone knows of any - prime spot on the forecast page and many of the webcam pages are empty.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:47 pm
by KUS
bwd wrote:it sucks that a small few do most of the donating
As for charging for access...well it is one of those things that is way easier to suggest than actually implement :) Actually it wouldn't be too hard to do, but I couldn't imagine the complaints/emails I'd get if something stopped working and people were paying for it. No thanks.

We do need some more sponsors
perhaps individually we should just stick to $20, that might put peer pressure on others...but I sense how that will go :roll:

There are so many cams, if one goes down that's just what happens, don't think you'll get flak from anyone ponying up a whole $25 a year but I see your point...
The tables are available online so if the convenient BWD one fails, there is always manual sourcing

Sponsors: I have tried the local breweries (slight interest) and am hoping the sex shop in Parksville will sponsor my beer n toys habit :twisted: with logos on my sails :wink: maybe she's also interested in sponsoring the SP cam, I had suggested that.

Speaking of cams: I think maybe it's a fun idea to list a short bio/pic of the webcam hosts and recognize them in that way? Then if they have a business they can also get a little plug? The new willows host was unaware of the rave reviews the new cam angle and location has gotten :D a hit count would be fun to see the usage....just an idea :idea: and yeah, I know, more work for you :?

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:00 pm
by JL
add another $20 for using the site as a spring board for zany ideas & taunting kiters/windsurfers etc. 8)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:58 am
by Wavos Rancheros
Yeah Dave, I understand you probly didn't come into this sitch with a business plan, or fundraising plan.., and it's plenty to do without thinking about it too much.

My question was meant to be simple, but it would require some basic bookkeeping, and maybe some site usage monitoring, at least enough to get a sense of who the heavy/regular users are, so they can be free to donate at will as they do now, but with an available target for them to look at over the year, (which you could project yearly as you foresee new cams etc.).

Paying upfront is exactly as you see it, people complaining. Setting out a list of regular users (if possible automatically by software), and priming them with a target, prevents them getting the sense of being billed. They wouldn't need to be reminded directly, but they could be if that is what helps people to keep up.

So, just a simple box on the main page maybe, with several targets, ie: for the regulars, for the casual/drop ins. "Our fundraising targets for 2014" with a colored bargraph showing progress... You could even suggest different layers of donation, so people feel a pinch if they aren't giving enough...

Like, Suggested Donation
Heavy User, -site visits more than "x" per month
Regular User- site visits more than "x" per month
Casual User - site visits more than "x" per month
Seasonal User - site visits more than "x" per month during season


Since you have access to the data on usage, and perhaps understand it better than us windjunkies, the categories could best be projected from that point of view.

Just suggesting, of course, none of this is a lock...but I do remember I had to push you a little bit just to put the "donate" button up in the first place....just sayin :)


Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 7:50 pm
by bwd
Thank you for the website donations:

Bill Gunn (helimarine)
Jim Waters
Philip Schum
Markus Koloska (Kus)
Kevin Baerg
Stephen Mcphee (Tempy)
Dane Keller



Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:40 am
by bwd
Thank you for the website donations 8)

Ray Vanderbyl (rvanderbyl)
Scott Finnie (snapper)
Geoffrey Hall (heffe222)
Joel Farah (T0URIST)
Barb & Brian Routley (sailors and kayakers)

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:45 am
by bwd
Thank you for the website donations :D

Adrian & Rika (Uddereef)
Sandra and Rob (Sandy Beach and windsurf247)
David Clutton (C36)
Pete Robertson (Shaggy)