VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • Kiteboard/windsurf club anyone ?? - Page 2
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Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:51 pm
by Wingnut
But if you jump off your board and start swimming, then you are no longer required to have a pfd. :?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:32 pm
by more force 4
I believe there is a specific regulation excusing windsurfers (probably not updated since kiting invented) from the PFD regulation.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:44 am
by ToesideT
TO be clear, the exemption is- if you wear your PFD, you do not have to carry a watertight flashlight or flares, and buoyant heaving line, and paddle or anchor. If you dont, then as per the Small Vessel Regs, you are obligated to carry the above equipment. Not carrying the 3 items and wearing the PFD could result, in theory, of a fine of 500$.

Enforcement of the regs and issuance of fines have increased in general in the marine community, but rarely targeting the windsurfi/kite group.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:04 am
by more force 4
A bit of web searching shows the following:
In addition to the above, the following proposals made in the Spring 2005 CMAC discussion paper have now been removed from the proposed regulation:
• A proposal to exempt human powered pleasure craft from the requirement to carry a buoyant heaving line.
• A proposal to exempt sailboards from the requirement to carry PFDs.
As a result, status quo will continue for these issues.
and the regulation as it stands:
(8) A sailboard is not required to carry personal protection equipment, boat safety
equipment and distress equipment in accordance with subsections (2) to (4) if the
operator is
(a) wearing a personal flotation device of appropriate size; or
(b) engaged in an official competition, while attended by a safety craft
carrying a personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size for that
operator that can be donned in the water.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:10 am
by KUS
holy crap, what does all this have to do with this thread :?: :roll: :roll:

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:41 am
by JL
Well Kus it just shows how organizing a bunch of kiters & windsurfers & subsequently creating rules may lead to a hornets nest of rules, enforcement & even a loss of access to our favorite sailing sites. Nitinat is exceptional because the said group fought to keep the campsite open & became (briefly) the custodian. 8)

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:51 pm
by KUS
Who's to say we in Victoria could not be exceptional :?: :roll:

Anyway, I don't think the outcome of the Nitinat Society after all that thankless effort by good people was anything near exceptional....but I digress..

Anyway, you will note I have deleted the VWAA info as I'm not any longer willing to take the abuse. It was work and I thought worthwhile but not a lot of fun, nor will I enjoy telling you "I told you so" in the future. Back into the sand we go.... :?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:38 pm
by Ed
You have all gone completely insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:13 pm
by JL
Thanks for your work Kus ... I know you meant well ... I propose a meeting of the Island view kiters/windsurfers @ the Prairie Inn after our next session. 8) ... 586&dtab=7

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:24 pm
by ~~~~~4j~~
57palm wrote:Yeah you guys are right, people at the beaches have been super helpful and the forum/wiki is great too, obviously it is not all encompassing. What I did not clue into before is most of the wiki sailing info is geared towards windsurfers not kiters.
Kiteboarding information is notably lacking in the wiki sailing guide, particularly for sites that are good for windsurfing but which may pose hazards for kiters (Note the recent discussion for Esq. lagoon).

Any kiters out there want to add to the wiki for your favourite beaches, or other places at which you know the hazards? It doesn't take much time to share your invaluable local advice, and may help prevent an accident. Even a single sentence for some sites may be sufficient, like "Don't consider kiting here, due to the poor launch, overhead obstructions and gusty conditions".

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:23 am
by eastside
A formal organization is a thankless task as Kus has found out. My take is that it may become necessary to protect access for kiters, especially in higher population areas. Increased kiter/rv/people interaction will stimulate the authorities to take action to ban kiters from beaches. Windsurfers may get caught in the crossfire. More kiters can only make this worse, especially if ill trained and informed. More info on sites, self policing, and instruction are the answers at this point. If in doubt, ask, or if you see something wacky going on, say something, kiter or windsurfer......we're all in this together.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:38 am
by Teabag
I don't understand why someone wearing a 3mm+ wetsuit should wear a PFD on top of that? You can't sink with a wetsuit, even if you try hard.


Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:47 am
Nice try KUS, but the only kind of club you need is the wooden one. Eastside is correct, SELF POLICING IS NEEDED. LOT OF FREEDOM COOKIES IN KITING AND WINDSURFING. Surfers are well known for " enforcing the rules" at their favourite break. I don't mind taking a chunk out of someones ass if I think they are being dangerous or really inconsiderate, when you correct someone you are helping everyone. Don't pissoff the public, they don't know your sport, but they own the beach too. Once again, we will lose a beach, look around the world, everyone has lost something and it is ongoing.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:06 pm
by ~~~~~4j~~
I agree, we are an informal "club" already in a way, and get together regularly on this website and have discussions like this. And, as others have said, I think we should stay away from taking on more resposiblilities than we can handle or want. Perhaps we can deal with issues at each beach individully, and get the City or Regional District involved only when necessary...such as when we want to get a bathroom at CB...That said, I wouldn't mind joining y'all at the pub once in a while to have these discussions in person.

you are all totally insane ........except Kus. and maybe Ed

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:11 pm
by 57palm
This is my thread so I should say a few things. I think some of you guys are missing the point. I have been to a few other club meetings (cars, hobbies, etc). They are all casual no commitment kind of things where people who are interested can get together and share ideas on a drop in basis. When there is something important to do (an event of sorts) usually a few volunteers step forward to organize it for that year. My idea for windsports was not to create an "authority" or regulating body but more so to be proactive in the local area in order to prevent or be prepared for problems that may arise in the future.

If one or more incident does occur that causes problems with local authorities as a group we would be in a great position for rebuttal and defense if we already had an existing plan in place. In addition any information compiled is only going to help new riders and lessen the chance of future problems.

Kus, and all the people offering their time at these meetings, thanks. You guys need not take the abuse offered on this site. To placate those in fear maybe tone down the ideas on any strict control and make it more informational with voluntary compliance.

I have not been able to make a meeting yet But may I suggest a few things as the founder of this thread. First off I am finding these meetings should have a standardized time date to happen so all can plan well in advance. Another club uses the last monday of every month, this is the same all year long and easy to plan for. So pick a fixed day each month and go for it I'll see you there. Remember, casual and everyone is welcome. So when is the next one I hope it is not cancelled ??
