VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • Summer BWD Fundraiser - Page 2
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Update --

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 2:44 pm
by KUS
UPDATED TOTALS, thanks all, looking for a few more to bring us to the goal, any donation welcomed -

I think you would look much better in one of these =D> :wink: Image :D

Nanmoo 3 Tix $20US, haha :lol:
KitesurferDale 10 Tix $50 ya needs one :!: crazy airtime dood
4J 10 Tix $50 for those 3.2 OldManDam days :twisted:
Gwind 2 Tix (only!) $20 :lol:
Tempy 10 Tix $50 yep, I will order several styles/colors in to try
Uddereef 10 Tix $50 yes, you sure could, not that I don't like yours :wink:
Duckbill 10Tix $50 use pay donation button or pay Dave on the beach I guess, you can also E-transfer if you find out where HollowBones' Bank is, that probably costs a buck too tho :roll:
Snarfer 10Tix $50 wind is just around the corner :o
Windsurfish 10 tix $50 For those with a high forehead, the neoprene band surf hat is the best fit or the Gedi, I am gonna try the retractable visor as all the glasses don't work :x and the Gedi looks sooo cool :wink:
Next Bidder for $50 also gets a groovy harness 8)

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Current Total: $390 :arrow: Goal: $500

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:45 pm
by nanmoo
Seems I forgot to Paypal before I left.. I'll hit it up for $20 when I am back.

It's time for a Visor Lid!

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 7:59 am
by Windsurfish
Put me down for $50 (10 tix). I will give the dough to Dave via emoney transfer. XL or possibly XXL (from what I remember, the visor takes up some of the brain space in the helmet?)


Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 3:02 pm
by KUS
Anyone else :?: :idea: would be great to start another project with the funds 8) Very close to the original goal, how about the relative newbies who are using the site lots but haven't donated yet :?:

Fishermen, surfers, hikers, beachcombers, photographers....

Think about all the fuel and disappointment savings, marine hazards, poor tides, paperwork and websearches you avoid by the use of this awesome website :!: :twisted:

AND you can win this cool helmet Image

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 3:40 pm
by mortontoemike
OK. I had so much fun with the coffee beans I will put in $50. Should I Paypal to BWD?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 3:56 pm
by TheLaw
If you want to add to your totals to get closer to the goal you can add $50 from me (just donated). If I win the helmet you can draw again for someone else...I already have two Gath helmets and probably don't need another.

If I could get a skydiving jump suit instead, then we are talking.


Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 3:58 pm
by SaltSpringKiterPeaceGuy
how many helmets are up for draw?

you can put me down for 10 tickets too........without big wave dave, i'd be lost socially and up shit's creek wind wise, so i am forever grateful.......


Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:37 pm
by KUS
UPDATED TOTALS: yay, beyond the goal, awesome, any further donation welcomed esp from newbies, not the same people who constantly buck up....tho much appreciated it doesn't seem fair :? -

Nanmoo 3 Tix $20US, haha :lol:
KitesurferDale 10 Tix $50 ya needs one
4J 10 Tix $50 for those 3.2 OldManDam days :twisted:
Gwind 2 Tix (only!) $20 :D
Tempy 10 Tix $50 yep, I will order several styles/colors in to try
Uddereef 10 Tix $50 yes, you sure could, not that I don't like yours :wink:
Duckbill 10Tix $50 use pay donation button or pay Dave on the beach I guess, you can also E-transfer if you find out where HollowBones' Bank is, that probably costs a buck too tho :roll:
Snarfer 10Tix $50 wind is just around the corner
Windsurfish 10 tix $50 For those with a high forehead, the neoprene band surf hat is the best fit or the Gedi, I am gonna try the retractable visor as all the glasses don't work :evil: and the Gedi looks sooo cool :wink:
MTM $50 10 Tix the bean hard-on counter :D
TheLaw $50 10 Tix Mr. I never claim a prize even if I win, haha
DTK $50 10 Tix One helmet but I can get you another one if you need two :wink:
WindDoc $50 10 Tix BWD San Carlos fund :D
RV $50 10 Tix
Teabag $50 10 Tix and one phone number coming up.....dang, I forgot, I don't speak Italian :oops: ti amo tesoro Roberta :twisted: che cosa รจ il vostro numero di telefono?
Saulman $50 10 Tix husband beater defender required :!:
Morley $50 10 Tix; from BF nowhere :?

Nice:!: now I will find another prize for the draw, maybe booties, harness (so kiters have a choice), downhaul, or harness lines

Sponsored by: ....and yes I am having trouble with the server/updater pages to change the friggin' font cuz somehow the pages/script got polluted, grrr

Current Total: $790 :arrow: Goal: $500 ------OK, If we hit $750 I will add a second prize :idea: Right now it looks like about a 1 in 15 chance of winning.-------DONE, yay!

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:07 pm
by winddoctor
I just put in fiddy through Paypal. The extra $ can go to the "Send BWD to San Carlos" fund.

Summer BWD Fundraiser

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:23 pm
by rvanderbyl
I'm in for $50!

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 11:02 pm
by Teabag
Just put $50, 10 tix:)
I'll put an extra $50 if you can get me her phone number:)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 2:44 am
by nanmoo
$20 USD is not that far off CAD now Mr Kus!!!

Pick me. pick me. pick me.

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 9:28 am
by saulman
Okay. 50$ for me too. A good helmet might come in handy when the better half takes out her frustration with my sport.



Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 3:11 pm
by SaltSpringKiterPeaceGuy
UM where do i senda money???

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 3:59 pm
by more force 4
Just had some time to browse the site, iffy connection here (its reasonably fast but dies often) and working 6AM to 10PM. The 'Paypal' site keeps giving me a timeout :evil: :evil: :evil:
Can you put me down for $50? I'm good for it, really! Will pay up when I can get some computer time again (50 people in camp and 3 connections).