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Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:03 am
by abetanzo
shit happens... I may have been guilty of missing a poop while I was on the water but to have someone smear it on my car would really piss me off... espically with water shortage... might grab your beers to clean it off!

I've picked up other dogs shit to make up for it but nobody needs shit spread around! come on

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:08 pm
by downwind dave
i am reminded of a certain scene in the big lebowski , with Kus as Walter Sobchak: YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS?? YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS?? THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS!! :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:32 pm
by KUS
downwind dave wrote:i am reminded of a certain scene in the big lebowski , with Kus as Walter Sobchak: YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS?? YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS?? THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS!! :lol:
nah, not me, that only happens when you leave your car alarm on while on the BC Ferry RV deck or in "insert tranquil ski resort here" parking lot, Larry....THEN that might happen, you hear me Larry?? :evil:

Besides, that's John's job.... :idea:

Re: Confucius

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:32 pm
by mortontoemike
slats wrote:Confucius say: woman who fly upside down in airplane
have crack up.
Confucius lived from 551–479 BC. I am pretty sure that the airplane was developed sometime after that period. I would question your sources for this quote.

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:47 am
by UnusuallyLargeRobin
What's the latest on the water tap? Has it been fixed?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:48 am
by UnusuallyLargeRobin
What's the latest on the water tap? Has it been fixed?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:17 am
Yes. It is beside the main hall just as U enter the village.
Lift the handle. A hose connect it does not have but it works.

Thanks to who ever fixed it

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:43 pm
by nanmoo
Grader spotted on the north shore main today. One crappy section past the new sign at the junction of the paved spur to nowhere. Cruised around 70 km/h nearly the whole way. About as good as I've seen. Campground loop road and entrance road is another story. The loop is more bombed out then I would ever have imagined. Huge tank trap mud patches despite no rain.


Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 1:26 pm
by SaltSpringKiterPeaceGuy
That'll make my bombing of the loggin road in the now loaded down for 7 days of bliss 1990 Jetta a blast....leaving vic about 11, see ya about 12:30 then. And to lighten my load by 40 pounds of water??? good idea. for sure it runs?

Nitinaht bear

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:37 pm
by Can't jibe
There's a bad bear rampaging around the campsite. Goes to work when the wind is up and your camp is unoccupied. Can open just about anything, even chews the tops off water jugs. Lock your stuff up.

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:26 pm
by firstonlastoff
Yup, very bold bear(s). Watch everything around you, the bear(s) is very hungry, lots of sightings 24/7. Even listened to an eye-witness tell the story of a bear going through a 6-pack one at a time in a matter of 90 s (yes, bear crushes each can and tilts head back and quaff).


Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:22 pm
by KC7777
firstonlastoff wrote:going through a 6-pack one at a time in a matter of 90 s (yes, bear crushes each can and tilts head back and quaff).
I saw Kus do pretty much the same thing last week!

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:00 pm
by eksrae
As a way to protest the lack of caring in regards to the condition and cleanliness of the outhouses, we refused to pay two weekends in a row until we saw "Richard" as he is called by the collection girls. they said he would come and talk to us but he never showed. the sign at the entrance says our money goes to maintenance and security...... haha
my girlfriend cleaned one both weekends so the kids would use it. maybe if more people complained something might happen. I wont hold my breathe except for in the outhouse

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:45 pm
by G-Daddy
Anyone know if their doing meals at the store this year?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:48 pm
by kitesick
Oh Ya. Breakfast especial. Very good as well. Make sure to tip.