VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • Nitinat Kite Lessons, Launching affecting Park/water users - Page 3
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Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:46 pm
by GoldenRule
Winddude I don't know how to speak to you anymore. I think that every single person is going to side with me here....students come first. Kiting windsurfing anything. You cannot in anyway risk injury to those people. Marty personally taught me and did a great job. He controlled everything and I felt very safe in windsurf Area. He coached through and kept it safe and continued when we where clear. It was part of our our talk before we headed out. However winddude we are all having fun and those people learning are trying to learn how to love the wind as we all do. You should as a senior wind junkie be a beacon example to them. For Martys student, or elevations students or MY 10 YR OLD SON (who took lessons and safely made it though) you should never be anywhere near them. You should have never been in a position to be hit by a student. There are more and more young kids learning as well. An once suited up with vest and helmet, and bobbing in the water, they look the same as a adult rider. How would you feel if u injured one of those kids trying to make some point to an instructor. What example are u setting at the beginning of their wind love. What does it show for the peace we all enjoy there. I think u should step back. Accept resoniblilty. Drop all of this and get back to why u got into windsurfing. Why u drove all over to hit that amazing spot. To grab that wave, and think about that when u get upset out there or frustrated at a instructor with student and just turn around, head back out and enjoy cause it's amazing.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:56 am
by juandesooka
I have just barely been able to resist jumping in here with snarky javelins. Glad I did. The high road always has the best view.

Very nicely said Golden Rule. Respect.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:33 am
by SmallWaveSteve
Well said Brendan.

It's almost as if there should be some sort of common sense convention or something in sailing where, in instances that there is a faster and more maneuverable vessel (say, for example, a very experienced windsurfer or kiteboarder) approaching a vessel with impaired or restricted maneuverability (like maybe someone who is very obviously in the midst of a lesson/ and potentially not yet 100% comfortable, or in control) the faster/manoeverable vessel should not impede the less manoeuvrable/slower vessel and give way...

We could even call it something spiffy like the Canadian Coast Guard Collision Regulations!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:26 am
by tempy
A starting point for discussion would be the kite safety / windsurf safety guidelines that Paul and Ross put together years ago for NN. It is in the NN sailing guide in the wiki and here is the link: ... fety_guide

This used to be posted on the notice board.

There is no flag there any longer, but the big tree / stump, is a good enough alternative and easy reference point for now.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:05 pm
by winddude
tempy wrote:A starting point for discussion would be the kite safety / windsurf safety guidelines that Paul and Ross put together years ago for NN. It is in the NN sailing guide in the wiki and here is the link: ... fety_guide

This used to be posted on the notice board.

There is no flag there any longer, but the big tree / stump, is a good enough alternative and easy reference point for now.
interesting... thanks tempy.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 12:38 am
by Kalena
I get it now. Some one pass the popcorn

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:36 pm
by KUS
not entirely sure that's helpful to the current climate, Adrian. ... highlight=

Lawrence is getting a bad founded is anyone's guess, I wasn't there, there's always two sides .....but how about you stirring it :?: :? maybe working on some solutions would be great...regardless of who's right

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 2:25 pm
by Teabag
Adolf might have a solution. I called him but he was quite busy, and he is quite busy this week to but he said he might come up with some sort of solution later this week. Brandon pretty much sum it up with its latest post though.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 3:49 pm
by abetanzo
here's a solution:

how about not using words like: "silence you twats", "dense fucking skulls" and using a hammer.... sounds kinda threating no? who might be reading this and thinking wow that winddude is a dick? or wow I'm only 12 and never thought windsurfers were asshats...

bad raps come from examples... look at the example Winddouche has put out there the last few years...

I have a bad rap for saying a few things here and there but you come talk to me in person and we'll sort things out in a conversation....

Winddouche hates kiters and anything realted to it... you can't change that....
abetanzo hates windsurfers who are dicks!!! period


Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:06 pm
by KUS
abetanzo wrote:here's a solution:
how about not using words like: "...."(no need to repeat)
bad raps come from examples...
yes I agree, words not well chosen...sometimes emotions get the better of some....Me included. "Bad rap" as in globally, Lawrence is a well meaning guy from what I have experienced.

But this is in relation to the other thread you commented on Adrian, see link, not this one ..... I'm not making excuses for anyone, just hoping this thing stops :? and doesn't color everything we relate on....

Apologies are in order, shake hands, work with an eye forward and try to improve our systems. I agree with GRule :arrow:

and I also think some need to stop stirring the pot...

And Teabag,.... what does that Adolf reference mean actually? Me with a German background, you being French/Que, is that some sorta racial comment or should I reflect on you as the great fun guy that I know and really like.....I mean.... globally speaking :wink:

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:08 pm
by skywalker
KUS - Agreed.

MODS - Delete thread please.(?)

I think we all learned our lesson here. I would like to move on

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:33 pm
by SmallWaveSteve
KUS wrote: And Teabag,.... what does that Adolf reference mean actually? Me with a German background, you being French/Que, is that some sorta racial comment or should I reflect on you as the great fun guy that I know and really like.....I mean.... globally speaking :wink:
The latter, Adolf had something to say the last time there was BWD drama (worth a watch): ...

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:26 pm
by winddude
Let me clear the air here a bit, sorry for some of my comments and tone in the early messages.

However it's really frustrating as a windsurfer and would at least like to everyone attempt to follow the guidelines, ... fety_guide, that tempy posted and shared.

Just for the record I don't hate kiteboards. FYI, I used to a little bit of that funny kiteboarding thing on the snow in the prairies during the winter, in the days of 2 line ram air kites.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:47 pm
by winddude
I really am sorry about some of the things that have been said, and a few people have a negative view towards me, I'm sorry. I know the way I went about it wasn't right and because of this the heart of my message probably fell on deaf ears. There are quite a few more kitesurfers now than windsurfers and it can be hard not get defensive or aggressive when you feel ganged up on.

As someone who has been lucky enough to windsurf and teach windsurfing at many amazing places around this world, and coordinated with kitesurfing instructors. I would suggest that all kite instructor at Nitnat for the safety of their students, other water users, including, swimmers, kids, windsurfers and kiters, is to take your students well upwind and take them back upwind before they drift into the start of the kiters. You all have jet skis or boats, there is no one up there, and it looks like the wind is better up there, because it does start to get lighter, gustier and shiftier as you get down wind on the lake. It should be very easy, and a great benefit to your students, if there was access I would be windsurfing up there.


Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:23 pm
by Atomic-Chomik
Does this mean you'll land my kite now?
