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Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:59 pm
by downwind dave
five letters? me, kus and mf4 make three...that cant be right, :shock: i was thinking they would get hundreds. well dozens anyway

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:01 pm
by more force 4
OK, here it all is in one easy place for those of you who haven't e-mailed yet.
:idea: :!: :?: :arrow:
First, RocDocs letter so you can copy and paste it into your email. Modify as you need to. :

Re: Jordan River campsite.

The Jordan River campsite is used intensively by surfers/windsurfers, kayakers, campers, RV users, and birdwatchers.
Small fishing boats can be launched into the river as well.
The campsite is also used as a picnic and ocean viewing area by tourists and the local community.
It is also an excellent tourist view/picnic stop on the Pacific Marine Circle Route.

In particular, the surfing conditions are at times "world class" and hundreds of surfers may use the site on good days.
The adjacent seabed has in the past been designated as a provincial park reserve to protect the surfbreak.

As you are no doubt aware, the campsite is included in the WFP lands for sale.
I strongly endorse the acquisition of this property through negotiation with the forestry company and available government funds.

Sincerely yours,

Now here are the places you need to send it.
There is one place that any endorsements for JR campsite have to be sent before Sept 30.

Thats to .

and also




Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:16 pm
by bbthelooper
I find it amazing that we are talking about JR, because in the past if you had mentioned JR and surf in the same sentence you would have upset some surfer who wanted it all to himself. Now that they maybe excluded from their sacred spot, they want the entire web to know about it, and help save their not so secret spot for them.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:44 pm
by KUS
DWD- Apathetic :?: Surfers :?: BC citizens :?: You're kidding :shock:
BUT: you can rely heavily on the never-ending bitch sesh after it's all over and gone :roll:

BTW I really like your brother's website, nice going 8)

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:52 pm
by bwd
I just sent some emails off too and put them in my own words for better effect. I also pointed them to this topic so they could get an idea of the interest - 50 posts and 2500 views so far...
thanks for the efforts everyone,

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:05 pm
by rocdoc
Thanks Dave.

Lots about JR in the Sooke News Mirror today including front page story, letter to editor and editorial. Editor recommends WFP do the right thing and give back some of the crown grant lands they got for free.

Also received copy's of emails sent to politicians by some of the surf shops (Coastline, etc) endorsing JR become a permanent public park.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:01 pm
by morewind
Thanks for all the email addresses and names.

4 email letters just fired off in support of JR being kept in the public trust.


Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:39 pm
by Gdawg

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 8:54 am
by Gareth
I emailed mine off yesterday morning. I got the same responses and an invite to the oct 4th meeting. Maybe a contingent should go in support of rocdoc's presentation. Unfortunately I will be away.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:20 am
by Ross

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 8:12 pm
by rocdoc
Update on Results of Meeting with Dr. Keith Martin (MP) and John Horgan (MLA)

1. I and another surfer/WFP employee with 30 years experience at JR met with Martin/Horgan today.

2. Martin/Horgan were concerned about the impact of the WFP land sales on the Shirley/JR community. They were also concerned about the loss of forest worker jobs as a result JR operations becoming less viable with the private lands removed from the TFL. However, realistically they did not think that the Campbell government could be forced to reverse the decision.

3. They were also very receptive to our concerns over the sale/loss of the WFP campsite at JR and other nearby coastal access locations. We provided them with sufficient information that they concluded the campsite and adjacent coastal access lands should revert to the public (as a provincial park for example).

4. They will be approaching the WFP head office directly to express their concerns and intend to follow this up with a community meeting in the near future. Meeting will probably be at Shirley Hall. No scheduled dates at this time. Will let you know when I do.

Update on Discussion with Head CRD Region Parks

1. Also spoke today with Lloyd Ruston Head of CRD Regional Parks.

2. Informed by him that CRD Regional Parks interest does not currently extend beyond Sooke River. The Muir Creek Protection Society has recently been notified that their interests have been moved forward to the next level, but not park status yet. SEAPARC runs parks in Sooke District and Juan de Fuca Electoral Area (JDFEA) administers community parks only.

3. Also CRD Regional parks have no budget left having just acquired the Sooke Wilderness areas in the back of beyond above the Sooke Potholes.

4. As a result, BC parks seems the best bet for the operation of JR park if it is to be run in its current mode (camping, RVs, plus day use).

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 8:33 pm
by rocdoc
Thought I should add a little perspective to the above post.
I did not expect an instant resolution of this issue so don't be disappointed there isn't one.

We have Keith Martin and John Horgan on our side and working for us on this issue. They have been impressed by the number of emails and phone calls they have received on the issue.

They will try to effect a political solution with WFP. If WFP is interested then the local community/authority (that being the Shirely/JR community and the JDFEA authority) need to be advised and comment. Thats why the meeting at Shirely.

If you haven't already, send Martin and Horgan your encouragemnt to work on this.

Anyone else who wants to make any inquiries to other authorities or organize anything go ahead. I just request that everyone be kept informed of any significant progress. Thanks

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:11 am
by JL

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:01 am
by UnusuallyLargeRobin
Hey, I've been away but just got back! Glad to see involvement growing. I just dashed off my letters to the mentioned people. Does anyone know if all the Van Isl. and Vancouver area shops (surf, wsurf, ksurf, kayak etc) are aware or informed? It would be good for them to post flyers and inform their customers of what is about to happen to prime ocean front water sports recreation access! I'll start phoning around and emailing them stuff or pointing to this forum.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:55 am
by rocdoc
JR Update Oct 05, 2007

Oct 02 - Otter Point Shirely Rate Payers Association
Pastadude, me and a few other surfers attended a meeting of about 150 people. WFP lands sale not discussed because of specific meeting on other topics, but the issue was recognised and aspecial WFP Lands for Sale meeting announced for October 12 (see below). OPSRPA has about 400 members and is very active advising local government.

Oct 05 - JDF Parks and Rec Commission monthly meeting
Attended by about 10 surfers. A few people drove out from Victoria to make the 5 pm meeting. Now thats commitment! I was fortunative enough to be on the agenda and made a 10 minute presentation on why JR and adjacent coastal areas should remain as a park.
Approx 56 letters of correspondence where received by the Commission and included in the agenda. I believe they may also have endorsed our requests and this informationn will be forwarded to CRD parks head office in Victoria and a rep will be attending Oct 12 meeting (see below).

Oct 12AM - John Horgan (MLA) and Keith Martin (MP) to meet with WFP executive to convey our concerns.

Oct 12 7PM
Meeting scheduled for Shirely Community Hall. Will include Horgan/Martin and their response from WFP. Local elected officials and advisory bodies will also attend. I will try to get as many surfers/windsurfers from Sooke to JR to attend. Loggers affected by WFP action will also be attending. Could be an interesting meeting!!!

Oct 17 - CRD Regional Parks Commission Meeting - Victoria
Yvonne Mendel will be making prersentation to CRD. See her Facebook group and link from Victoria Surfrider chapter.