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Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:35 am
by KUS
Nice map and yep, this blowdown area especially and the trail on the edge of the river is what I was talking about doing last September but the crew support and then the weather fizzled....maybe this year? I am totally tuned to clear the trails, been doing mine at Beaver Lake @ Cowichan for a few days now :lol: gettin' it done ....despite the bears :shock: far, count me in 8)
Sounds like I missed out on the windfest big week....well.... when windfest first was and should have always been :wink:

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:46 pm
by Snarfer
Had brekky on Sunday at the village - heard they shot one of the bears Saturday night as it was getting too unafraid (opening the fridge to get Duane's smoked salmon in Friday was the last straw). Sad but what can you do - I heard it chased someone who was trying to shoo it away. And of course the whole campground is leaving food out all day - that way the crows get to eat and the bears can check things out ahead of time ....

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:07 pm
by more force 4
The campground was pretty good last weekend. Outhouses were floor-swept and there was actually multiple rolls of toilet paper! No sign of anyone collecting fees for three days I was there. THere is a new, small bear (still there Sunday, so not the one that was shot) that was into a few campsites, this one was apparently scared away by the noise of falling beer cans, instead of guzzling them. It must be below drinking age for bears.

Someone has been busy clearing brush from most of the river loop trail - Thanks! - but yeah, the map and Kus are right, it needs some re-route and a few logs sawed. If I'm there and the wind isn't, I'd help with trail build. I'll try and remember to put my handsaw and some loppers in the van.

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:47 pm
by Randy
Yup - I'm willing to help out if not previously booked.

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:38 am
by BenB
This little guy paid me a visit Sunday morning. Tried to get into my beer cooler the previous day but gave up when he only found warm beer.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:22 am
by abetanzo
any predictions for the long weekend? Randy's calls Saturday on is looking good...there is still a good temperature diff, humid but with mixed clouds???

I'm there Friday afternoon to beat the rush but there might not be one

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:55 pm
by nanmoo
Road Report -

First section of the North Shore past Youbou to the end of the lake is horrible and bombed out. Driven it three times this week for work, and it sucks each time. The section from the end of the Lake to the PA connection is also pretty horrible. From the PA connection to Nitinat is not bad at all, about as good as it gets there. So that leaves the South Shore road which also sucks, maybe marginally better than the North Shore but barely enough to justify the added driving distance. I'd still go North unless I was in an RV.

Not a lot of hauling out of the North Shore right now, some activity on the South with massive Old Growth coming out. Can't quite figure out why either side hasn't been graded last week or this week.

Anyways, pick your poison and enjoy this weekend!


Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:51 pm
by SaltSpringKiterPeaceGuy
that's not good news...kind of bums me out...had planned on going in...not so sure now though in a toyota matrix...

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:37 pm
by windaddiction
I was in my vw golf on the youbou road, wan't too bad did about 60 km/h just look well ahead. There is a couple bad sections but I didn't mind it too much!

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:16 pm
by nanmoo
Well yah, everything is relative. It's completely passable in ANY vehicle as most logging roads are, it's just a matter of what kind of abuse you want to subject your vehicle to. I don't mind ripping along at 70+ in my ranger on it, but I really would hate taking my Jetta on it at all, but both could do it at the same speed if I wanted to just with different long term outcomes. Point is, it ain't smooth, even the parts that normally are still have bomb holes. Earlier in summer it was like a highway with zero craters, so maybe we were spoiled.

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 12:28 am
by nanmoo
So of course right after I post this and a few people are deterred the road gets graded. I guess the squeaky wheel gets the grease?

The Whole road was graded except the first section after Youbou. 32 minutes in from the start of the gravel to the village, 38 out tonight (guess I was eager for wind). 1h 45 min Victoria trip. About as good as the road gets. Funny how fast things chance.

Have to add, I've never once flatted on this road. Maybe I just cursed myself for next year.