VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • ski/snowshoe the Kludahk trail anyone?
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ski/snowshoe the Kludahk trail anyone?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:37 pm
by morewind
It's cold...seems more suited to skiing than sailing. I'd like to check out the Kludahk trail for a day of ski touring.

Maybe go in from the logging road near JR. I'm thinking a really early start... like 6am. ski like weenies, then out before dark. I don't know how far up the logging road you can get before it's too deep in snow. I can make a few calls to friends in the alpine club.

Anyone interested? :?: - you'd need either snowshoes or ski touring gear with skins. For dates - I'm thinking this fri jan 2, or on the wknd.


Ski tour

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:00 am
by KUS
Hi Mike- :P Sounds cool! I'm in if ok with you. Got the gear (only wide skins though, should be ok) and chains for the motorhome.....kus
(check email)

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 11:56 am
by morewind
Kus and I kicked off the new year with some skiing up on the logging roads that head to the Kludahk trail. On the drive there we came across a nasty car accident - 2 surfers rolled their truck about 1 km before JR. hit some rouge black ice. :( Nobody was hurt luckily.

we headed up JR North main for about 500m in the my van, then chains were needed. Got about 2km further, then snow got too deep for driving. park 'n ski ... skiing was in soft dry snow. skied about 16-18km in all, mostly following either 4wd vehicle path or snowshoers, then we broke fresh tracks. got to about 2000' elevation. wild ride back down to the van - all downhill. a good way to start the year. there is over a meter of snow in hills above JR - hard to believe. another bonus - Kus found a FULL Kokanee in the snow - slurp!! :P

here are some shots

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 10:26 am
by wind_dummy
hey mike,
you need to trade in those skis for a split-board with some skins! i know you've thought about it :wink: ya 2-planker-wanker!

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 8:59 pm
by morewind
wind_dummy - you ain't no dummy, I'd say you're a mind reader :mrgreen: ...been thinking about a split board ... mucho denarios needed... so might go the snowshoe route - way easier on the wallet to buy snowshoes and go in with board strapped to back.

was on Mt Becher yesterday (near comox) - sweet, dry, soft powder :o : ...was wanting to be on a board 8)

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:45 am
by wind_dummy
i hear ya mike ... i didn't realize they were soooooo expensive 8-[
check out this Burton : ... oductID=31

it's like $899.00 USD ... i guess the snowshoes with a good pack is way more reasonable!